Chapter 25

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I apologize for it being so short. I'm just kind of stuck. I guess I forgot where I wanted the story to go you know. There's a few things I'm considering doing right now. One is ending the story. Another is obviously continuing the story, though it'll probably be on hold for a little while. Or ending the story and starting a sequel. Though I'm not sure it's really at a point where enough has happened yet to condone a sequel. Let me know what you guys think.


**Anastasia's pov**

Andy watched as I opened the presents from his parents. They mostly got me clothes since they didn't know me too well yet. But I appreciated it despite the amount of clothes I have back home. I saved Andy's present for last. I knew it was from him cause the wrapping paper matched my hair. It was small. I unwrapped it to find one of those boxes they put jewelry in when you buy it. I glanced at Andy before opening it. My jaw dropped when I opened the box.

"Andy, this is beautiful." Inside the box was an aqua sea glass necklace with a heart charm. It was so pretty. No one's ever gotten me something like this. The only reason Andy didn't usually get me jewelry is because he knows I'm not a big jewelry person. I carefully pulled it out of the box and looked at it.

"Here," Andy smiled as he took the necklace from me. He un-fastened it and put it around my neck. "Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it. Thank you so much Andy," I smiled at him. Then I watched as he opened his presents, saving mine for last. He knew which one was mine cause I was the only one that didn't use batman wrapping paper. I used wrapping paper with cute cartoon kitties on it. He looked at me curiously with the un-wrapped ring box in his hands. I just smiled as he opened it. Inside was a stainless steel bottle opener ring with the batman logo on it. The look on his face told me he liked it.

"This is so cool," he smiled. "Where'd you find this?"

"Online, I wanted to get you something batman related that didn't already have."

Andy hugged me and then we watched the rest of the family opening presents. As proud as I am of what I got Andy, it's kind of a bitter-sweet gift. I didn't have a whole lot of money to start with when I was looking for what to get him, but I forgot his birthday was the day after Christmas. I ended up spending most of my money the ring seeing as it was about $40. Now I have nothing to give him for his birthday. I'v tried finding an actual job so I could get more money, but it hasn't been going too well. I feel really bad about it. He got me so much stuff for my birthday and I can't afford to get him anything for his.

After we opened presents we ate dinner. Then I took some sleeping pills and passed out. I didn't wanna keeping waking up tonight and bothering Andy cause of my bad dreams.

**Andy's pov**

We spent the morning at my parents house since it was my birthday. Then Ana and I are gonna be flying back out to Cali. Ana keeps telling me I have to wait till we get home for her gift and I'm really excited. I know she doesn't have a lot of money, so I'm kind of curious as well.

Once we got home we went upstairs and unpacked.

"So, do I get my present now?" I asked. "We are home after all." Ana looked at the ground nervously. "Something wrong?"

"Well, um. After I got you your Christmas present, I couldn't really afford to get something for your birthday."

I pulled Ana into a hug. "It's okay," I smiled.

"You sure?" she asked looking up at me.

"Yes, I'm sure." I then tightened my grip a little as I purposely fell back onto the bed, causing Ana to let out a small shriek. As she giggled I thought of something. "Hey Ana."


"I know what you could get me for my birthday."

"And what's that?"

"You can let me put you on my plan so you don't have to keep paying for minutes and you get more money for yourself."

"How is that a gift for you?" she chuckled. "You end up having to spend more money every month."

"Please," I begged.

Ana sighed, "Fine."

We went to the store the next day to get everything set up, I even got Ana a new phone. She wasn't too happy with the fact that I spent more money on her, but she was still happy.


Sorry for shortness guys. Any help is really appreciated though. And thanks for sticking with the story this far =)

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