Chapter 15

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Well you guys are no fun -_- but here's chapter 15

Enjoy anyways =)


**Andy's pov**

It's been a week since Juliet broke up with me and I'm honestly not sure I'm doing much better. I'm not completely and utterly heartbroken, but I'm still upset. I really cared about Juliet. Then Ana's been kind of distant lately as well, which is odd for her. The guys have worked on cheering me up about Juliet and Jinxx keeps telling me that whatever's going on with Ana, she's been talking to Sammi about it a lot. Hopefully she's okay.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out. I had gotten a text from Ana.

Hey,wanna hang tomorow? Just chill nd watch tv?~A

Sure,c u tomorow~AB


**Anastasia's pov**

I was sitting on the couch at Andy's house flipping through channels, butterflies in my stomach. I'm gonna try and tell Andy I like him, emphasis on try. Sammi thinks my idea is cute while I think it's kind of stupid. I guess we'll see. Anyways, Andy was in the bathroom so I was flipping through channels until I came across one called 'Long Island Medium'. Perfect. I left it on that and acted interested in it. Andy eventually came out and noticed what I was now watching.

"Psychics aren't real. People on those shows are fake," he commented as he sat down.

"So? The shows are still interesting," I replied.

"I guess they can still be okay once in a while."

"You know psychics might not be real, but you know who is real?"


"Palm readers." =)

"Palm readers?" o.O

"Yeah. I can actually read palms. Want me to read yours?"

"Sure," he chuckled.

"Okay, gimme your hand." I sat there and looked at Andy's hand for a moment. "Okay, you see this line?"


"Well this line means you're getting reaally hungry. You want some ravioli from Olive Garden. You should probably get some, or something bad might happen. You should get extra, in case someone around you wants some, too. This lines means you look attractive with short hair. Oh look, we're holding hands now," I smiled.

Andy laughed, "What was that?"

"Nothing," I replied quietly as I felt my face heat up.

Oh my god did I just call him attractive? And why did I comment on his hair? I told him he looked good with short hair when I got back from being held captive. Well, he hasn't had short hair that long, maybe it's okay. Ugh, stop thinking you're messing things up Ana. Juliet is positive Andy likes you. If that's true then no matter what you say you'll be fine. Just breathe Ana, breathe.

"Well I can't get ravioli from Olive Garden, but does throwing some on the stove work?" Andy chuckled. I looked at his palm again. =)

"It might work. So long as it's good enough." =)

Andy got up and went to the kitchen. I took the opportunity to text Sammi.

Hey,it didnt work. I told it was a stupid idea.~A

Its not stupid,its cute~S

Eithr way it didnt work. Im getting ravioli though =) ~A

Haha,nice. Just tell him thn. Ull b fine~S

I sighed. I was not looking forward to this. I'm way too shy.

**Andy's pov**

*skip to lunch*

We sat on the couch eating ravioli while we watched T V. I noticed that Ana was acting strange and kind of picking at her food. When we finished eating I decided to talk to her about it.

"Did you not like the ravioli?" I asked.

"Oh, no I liked it. It's just that-"

Before I knew what I was doing I felt my lips against hers, interrupting her. I quickly pulled away. She looked at me with pure shock and confusion.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Ana. I don't know what came over me."

Ana suddenly got up and ran off. I chased after her upstairs and to the guest room. When I got there though there was absolutely no sign of her. Then I realized Crow was sitting on the bed. He must have been asleep in here before Ana ran in. Crow just sat there and tilted his head as he stared at the closet. Considering they're both cats I figured why not start looking there, but she wasn't in the closet. I searched the entire room before Crow really started to get annoying. He kept meowing up at the closet.

"Crow, she's not in there okay? Knock it off." He kept going though. I got up and opened the closet. "See, she's not here."

Crow put his front paws up on a shelf and started meowing toward the ceiling. Curious to what had his attention I looked up. There lying across the top shelf was Ana. Damn she's smart. I never would have thought to look up there.

"Ana?" I said softly.

"Ana's not here," she replied quietly.

"Come on Ana." I carefully grabbed Ana and pulled her down from the shelf she was on. When I saw her face I realized she was crying a little. I sat down on the bed with her. "What's wrong Ana?"

"I'm scared," she said quietly.


"I'v never like anyone like this before."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I'v never...been in love before." I stared at her shocked. "I don't wanna get hurt. I'v been hurt in enough ways already."

I wrapped my arms around Ana and pulled her close to me. I understood where she was coming from. She's had a hard life and has trust issues. It took till the end of warped before she truly started to trust us.

"Is that what you were gonna tell me before I kissed you? That you liked me?" She nodded her head. "Oh Ana, I would never hurt you in any way."

"Oh really? So if we ever stopped getting along you wouldn't break up with me?" I didn't say anything. "See, you can't say you won't hurt me if you don't know the future."

"Let me rephrase that then. I would never hurt you on purpose. And if we ever stopped getting along I would try to talk things out before I broke up with you okay?" She nodded her head. "Do you think you'd be willing to give a relationship a try?

"That depends. Are we talking about a relationship with you or with someone else," she chuckled a little.

I chuckled too. "With me."

"Then I think I'd be willing to try." She looked at me with a slight smile.

I was so happy. I could finally call her mine. Sure, she might have a lot of baggage and it'll be a challenge to work through, but I'm willing to try for her. We sat there for a while, just cuddled together. I didn't wanna let her go.


Yup, everything has to be emotional in this story =) for good reason though. You'll know what I mean later on...maybe. Depends on what I choose. I was planning on making the story interactive at some point. Then whatever you guys chose would determine how the story goes. But I'm not entirely sure anymore since you guys don't seem to feel like it.

But thanks for reading anyways =)

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