Chapter 4

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Oui bitches =D I'm back, haha


**Anastasia's pov**

I stared at my glass of water and sighed. At least I'm alone now............   <.<   >.>

I quickly ran to my bunk and grabbed my blanket and favorite plushie in the world...GIR!!! He's been my secret obsession since I first heard of Invader Zim several years ago. I honestly don't know anyone else that likes Gir or Invader Zim. I might know a couple, but I don't own a computer. I had managed to save up enough money at one point to buy a portable dvd player. It wasn't the nicest one, but it worked. That's how I watch it. But now I have a giant TV to watch it on and at least a few hours alone.

I put in the first disc and got comfy on the couch before selecting 'play all'. The first episode came on and I smiled as I sang the Doom song with Gir. Hehe, he's like, the only thing in the world that can make me this happy and make me not worry about anything. By the last episode of the disc I was starting to fall asleep.

**CC's pov**

"Hey guys, wanna head to a bar?" Ashley asked after we finished performing.

The other guys all said yeah or sure, but I figured I'd go back to the bus and keep Ana company.

"Maybe next time. I'm gonna keep Ana company on the bus."

"Ok, suit yourself man," Jake said.

When I got to the bus I realized most of the lights were off. As I walked on I saw Ana asleep on the couch with a Gir plushie and light from the TV shining on her. I walked to where I could see what was on the TV. She had disc 1 of Invader Zim in. She must have fallen asleep during an episode since it's at the menu. I decided to walk over and gently wake her up.

"Ana?" I said, shaking her shoulder.


"You want me to put you in your bunk? You fell asleep watching Invader Zim."

When she heard me say Invader Zim she shot up. Her ears were straight up and her eyes were wide.

"You know what Invader Zim is?" She asked, apparently shocked.

"Yeah, why?"

Ana pounced on me, giving me a giant hug.

"Oh finally!! Someone else that knows what it is!! You do like Invader Zim right? And Gir?"

"Yeah I like them," I chuckled. "And what do you mean finally? Tons of people know about and love the show."

"They do?" She was clearly shocked for some reason.

"Yeah. Have you been living under a rock or something?" I chuckled.

"No. But I don't know a lot of people personally and I don't have a computer."

"Well there are tons of people that love the show."

"So I'm not the only one with a Gir obsession?!" she asked hopefully.

I chuckled, "No, you're not."

"Yay, I'm not alone!" =D

"You're not tired anymore are you?"

"No, wanna watch the next disc with me?" she asked excitedly.


She threw the next disc in and we got comfy on the couch before we selected 'play all' from the menu. As we watched the show I started to notice that Ana was mouthing every word with the TV.

"Do you know this by heart or something?" I asked puzzled.

"I know ever single episode word for word," she smiled proudly.

"How do you manage to do that?"

"It's not hard when you have no friends," she replied quietly.

"I'm sorry Ana."

"It's okay. Let's just watch Invader Zim."

After a few episodes I realized Ana had fallen asleep again. I carefully picked her up and took her to her bunk. After I turned everything off I went to bed as well.

I was woken up to a loud thud from one end of my bunk. Unfortunately it was the end with my head and it scared the shit outta me. My bunk was between Jake and Ana's, and the thud came from Ana's side. She probably kicked the wall in her sleep or something. I laid there trying to get back to sleep when I heard whimpering. After debating whether I should or not, I got outta bed to check on Ana. When I slid her curtain back she was curled up in a ball whimpering, so I gently shook her and woke her up.


"You okay Ana? You were whimpering in your sleep," I asked, slightly concerned.

"I-It was just a bad dream."

"You sure?"

She slowly shook her head as her watered a little.

"No." =(

She reached her arms out for me and grabbed her and pulled her out of her bunk.

"Come on, let's go in the back room so we don't wake the guys."

I carried her to the back room and sat on the bed, leaning against the back wall, with her in my lap. She cuddled into me and I rubbed her back, trying to calm her down.

"So what happened in your dream?"

"I'd rather not talk about it."


"It's just too hard okay?"

"Okay," I sighed, "I won't make you tell me. Just remember that I'm always here if you ever need to talk."

"Thanks CC," she said with a small smile.

"No problem Ana," I smiled back.

**Andy's pov**

As I got out of my bunk to get ready I noticed both Ana and CC's bunks were empty. CC's never up this early unless we have a show or something. I checked the lounge but they weren't there. The only other place they could be is the back room so I went and checked.

I opened the door and saw Ana in CC's lap, cuddled up to him like she had been with Jayy. Honestly, I didn't like seeing her in someone else's arms but I brushed that aside. I leaned over the bed and carefully woke CC, making sure not to bother Ana.

"What are you two doing back here?" I whispered.

"Ana had a nightmare last night and it really scared her," he quietly replied.

"Ah, you gonna get up or go back to sleep?"

"Probably go back to sleep," he yawned.

I chuckled and quietly closed the door before getting something to eat.


You can probably guess I was watching Invader Zim earlier right? Haha, sorry. I do really love Gir though. He's so f-ing adorable!!! XD Well, that's it for this chapter.

Sorry if it's kind of lame. I'm writing all this off the top of my head and my usual sources of inspiration have run dry, which really sucks cause I like just started this story. I won't leave you hanging though =) Just let me know if a chapter's too crappy and I'll see what I can do to fix it.

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