Chapter 22

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Selena P.O.V
"Alright, here's your cut for this week." I separate their money as they form a line waiting.

One of the strippers, Shay, looks at her stack, and says, "I know damn well this ain't all my money! Where the fuck it at?!"

"Well that was all you had this week Shay."

"Uhn uhn, count it again." She puts her money back on the table and folds her arms. I really aint got time for her shit.

I put her stack back in the Bill Counter and get the same amount from the first time.

She shakes her head and takes her money. "This some bullshit. Where the hell the rest of my money at?"

Roxanne lights her blunt and looks in the mirror looking at Shay. "You didn't do shit this entire week. That's probably why you don't have much."

The girls start to oooo and turn their heads to the drama.

Shay turns away from me and goes toward Roxanne. "What did you say to me hoe?"

Roxanne stands up and gets in her face. "I said you ain't do shit this whole week. You too busy getting drunk you can't even focus on your work."

"Wow, old head want to talk shit now. You better get out of my face or I-"

"Or you'll what?" She takes a long hit and blows the smoke in Shay's face. "Remember, this old head will always dance better and make more money than you."

They give each other long hard glares until
Shay walks away rolling her eyes mumbling, "I'm sick and tired of that hoe."

Roxanne looks at the girls watching. "What the fuck y'all looking at?" They all go back to what they were doing.

She walks past me and goes in my office. "You got my money?"

"Yea it's here." I look through the stacks to find hers. "What was going on with you and Shay back there?"

"You watched the whole thing. You know what happened."

I look up at her confused. Why was this attitude directed at me, I ain't do shit to her.

"You must got a problem with me or something?"

"I don't have nothing against you, I'm just getting fed up with the shit going on here. It doesn't make sense how you just come in and be the new boss. You don't know anything about this business."

If she's so fed up why is she still here?

I throw a curveball at her asking, "Well since you know so much, why don't you be my business partner? You've been here the longest and have the most experience."

Her facial expression changes but quickly returns to her weird smirk. "I see you came to your senses but I'll pass on that offer."

"Alright but the offer is always on the table."

She squints her eyes at me and takes her money leaving out the room. It's something about her that I just can't put my finger on, but I will eventually.

Andre P.O.V
"Nah nigga, that ain't the fucking verse!"

He takes the headphones off and looks at me through the window. "I'm doing everything you telling me to though so what's the problem?"

I done told this nigga a million times what to FUCKING do. I'm really about to wank.

"Just get the fuck out the studio, come back tomorrow. And if you can't get it by then, fuck the whole album."

He comes out the room and leaves. I ain't got time to be wasting. While I'm rolling my blunt, my baby come in and I smile at the sight of her.

"Hey baby." She comes over to me and gives me a kiss.

"Wassup. What you been up to?"

"Not much, just working at the club. Those women are crazy about their money. One girl was really trying me because she thought she had more money than she did!"

I shake my head light my blunt. "Shit, them girls crazy. What happened next though?"

She laughs and says, "You so messy! But some other girl with an attitude problem told the girl about herself. It felt like I was watching the Player's Club. Eventually she backed down from the other girl probably because she was scared? I don't know." She motions me to pass the blunt to her and I give it to her.

"It's always shit in the beginning but it'll all work out."

She took a hit and passed me the blunt back. "All I know is that woman that checked her, need to check that attitude she got. I think she
got something against me. And it doesn't make sense because I don't do shit to nobody."

I could tell she was getting mad because she started turning red a little and started using her hands to talk.

"Bae relax, don't worry about them. Just do what you gotta do, make your money, and don't give them bitches no attention."

"You're right."

I laugh and say, "I know I'm right. And are you okay with meeting my god mom? She says she wants to get to know you."

"You didn't tell me you had any family but yes, I'm perfectly fine with that."

"Cool, we going to go see her now. I think she will like you though."

"I hope so."

1 Hour Later
Selena P.O.V
We had been driving for a good hour until we finally reach the house. Her garden was decorated nicely and she had a huge house. I wonder if she stays here by her self. I start to get nervous a little and Andre looks at me.

"Don't stress about it. She's going to like you. I promise."

We get out the car and Andre rings the doorbell.

The door was later opened by a familiar face.

The door was later opened by a familiar face

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