Chapter 6

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Andre P.O.V

"Andre now why the hell did you fire her?!"

"She was doing way too much Alice. Now calm down."

"You're lying. You knew she was the best assistant we had!"

"I don't got time for this shit." I walk out and shake my head.

Why the fuck is everyone ganging up on me? I take a blunt out and go outside to get some air. My phone rang but I just don't feel like hearing anything from anyone right now. The weird thing was it kept ringing repeatedly so I got my phone out and saw it was Selena's friend, Laila. I swear if this girl come at me talking about Selena it's going to be over with.


"Andre, I been calling you a million times!"

"Yea, I really don't feel like hearing this."

"Oh you don't feel like hearing that Selena is in the hospital?"

"Hospital? What you talking about?"

"She was just in a car accident. I thought you knew this already."

"No, she just left after I f- never mind, I'm coming."

At the Hospital

As I go in, Laila and Selena's aunt was sitting in the waiting room.

"Where is she?"

Laila sighs and looks away. "She's not doing so good..."

I cover my face and try to walk it off. I shouldn't have fired it's my fault she in the hospital. Selena's aunt was taking it hard over in the corner crying. I overheard her and Laila's conversation.

"I really just hope she's ok...her parents really wanted me to take care of her if anything happened to them..."

"What happened to them?"

"They were in a car poor sister....over a drunk driver." She then bursts out crying again.

The doctors finally come out.

"Are the parents of Selena Hall here?"

Her aunt gets up and goes to the doctor. "I am her aunt, her parents are deceased."

"Ok well Selena will be okay but she does have some broken ribs. You can come see her if you want to."

They go in her room as I sit in the waiting room contemplating if I should go in there or not.

Selena P.O.V
I open my eyes slowly and see Laila and my aunt surround me.

My aunt rushes over to me and holds me. "Oh my god you're awake! What were you thinking?!?! You almost gave me a damn heart attack!"

"I'm fine auntie..."

Laila looks at me and shakes her head. "Lena what was your mind on for real? You have never done this before."

"I got f-"

As I was about to tell them, Andre comes in. I just start to get mad at the whole situation just thinking about it.

"Where's a nurse, I don't want him here."

"Selena, I came to say sorry."

"I don't want to hear that shit. Nurse!" I start to push the nurse button repeatedly.

"Why don't you just listen to me?"

"You're the reason why I'm in this damn hospital now!

My aunt looks at Andre and back at me. "What do you mean Selena?"

"He fired me over some bull and I was angry."

She sighs. "You know the number 1 rule is to not get in a car when your mad Lena."

Andre looks at me and says, "Can I just talk to her by myself for a little?"

I wanted to say no but his eyes were being sincere and I've never seen that from him before.


My aunt and Laila leave and he approaches me.

"Do you want to know the real reason I fired you?"


"I love you Selena."

I chuckle and look out the window. "Andre please tell me why you fired me for real."

"I just did. You know like I know that I don't do relationships and I just "hoe around" as you say, but I really want you. I got mad because I saw those hickeys on your neck and that told me someone had you and that person ain't me. I ain't felt like this before for someone but it's a good ass feeling. I really want to try this relationship thing with you."

I try to say something but I can't. I was lost for words. I liked Chris a lot. He treats me so good, but there was something different for Andre.

"I don't know Andre, m-"

All of a sudden, Chris comes rushing in.

"Selena, are you ok? What happened?"

I sigh and look at Andre looking away.

"I'm ok, just some broken ribs."

He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead. You could cut the tension in here with a plastic knife. Andre shakes his head and leaves.

"What was that all about?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're here."

Andre P.O.V
I'm so tired of that lame ass nigga. She was about to say something and here his ass coming in messing the shit up. I was about to say some shit but I'm really just fed up about the whole situation so I left. I went back to the studio and called one of my hoes. We had sex but the whole time I was thinking about Selena. I can't keep doing this shit.

"Andre you alright?"

"Just leave."

She rolls her eyes and gets up getting her clothes.

"It wasn't that good anyways."

I knew that was a lie because she was loud the whole time and I wasn't even trying. I say nothing as she leaves. Instead, I try to come up with a plan to get with Selena. She will be mine at the end of the day.

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