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soojin sat up on her bed stretching her arms in the air and placed airpods in her ears listening to her favorite songs. there was one specific song she loved the most by her vampire inspiration.she wasn't a fan girl of him but the specific song related to her alot .

she jamp of her bed and opened the curtains sticking her head outside of the window smelling the fresh air and feeling the sun's warmth hit her face.

"oh hey mr ladybird how has your day been so far".she said as a lady bug rested on her finger. soojin smiled letting the ladybird fly off her finger and walked to her bathroom refreshing herself with cold water.

"that's much better i feel more wide awake",she said wiping her soft face with a towel making sure it was completely dry.she then opened the cupboard under the sink grabbing her makeup.

(10 minutes later)

"there done,i think i will do this makeup look more often"she said admiring herself in the mirror. 

as she was placing her makeup back her stomach began to rumble.she placed her hand on her stomach and put her shoes on walking out of her flat locking the door.

she then walked into the the elevator which was full of people.her stomach kept rumbling  so she purposely touched the women's hand  and stopped when her stomach was full.

now a day's vampires don't suck blood and instead all they need is contact to human skin to eat up but some vampires still suck blood. 

"that's so much better"she mumbled to herself whilst walking out of the elevator.

no one knew she was a vampire,she was one of the vampires that enjoyed the sun and wore bright coloured clothes and because of this she blended in with the humans perfectly.

no one would ever know her true identity and she was safe from all vampire slayers , she even had a job in the mortals place,her job was boring but she didn't care,she just wants the money so she can do what she is passionate about which was music.

she loved singing and dancing,she even knew how to play a fair amount of instruments.

it was her favorite hobby that she always did after work.

talking about work she's late.

"OH SHOOT I'M LATE!"she shouted running threw the crowds of people pushing through.

she finally reached work and put on her red appren and mcdonalds cap.

"what's are next order ?"she asked holding taking the receipt of her work partner.she managed to touch his hand for a few seconds getting a bit of food. 

just another  ordinary vampire love storyWhere stories live. Discover now