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(at the party)

"oh jungkook there you are..i was looking for you everywhere."said jennie walking towards him.

seeing this jungkook cleared his throat and quickly speed walked to the bathroom.

jennie waved her arms around with anger and went.

"finally i get some freedom"said jungkook walking back out of the bathroom and suddenly his 

smile went when e saw a familiar face was max the troublemaker.

jungkook had some bad history with max and he hated him.

"hey every think ok"said soojin who arrived at the party.

".........yeah...yeah every think is good"said jungkook turning around to face soojin.

when he did he was shocked to see soojin looking so pretty.

soojin smiled trying to keep her laughter in after seeing jungkook's reaction.

"you look......stunning"said jungkook muddling up his words.

"oh thanks"said soojin going red.


MAX! WHO WILL BE PERFORMING FOR YOU"shouted jennie in the microphone.

the crowd went wild screaming max's name as he walked on stage.

"it is nice to meet you guys again and i am noticing some new faces....i hope you enjoy the 

performance."said max standing in his position getting ready to perform.

"hey soojin come sit with me "screamed jennie dragging soojin to the vip seats next to the stage.

as soojin watched him performing she noticed he kept looking at her while performing and began to blush.

"i think he likes you"whispered jennie in soojin ears.

"no i doubt it"said soojin going 10 shades of red.

(obviously this was part of jennie and max's plan)

when the performance was over max headed towards her and jennie to grab a water bottle.

"hey my friend soojin"said jennie hinting out to him that this was the girl.

"oh hey i am max......nice to meet you"he said shaking soojins hand  with a big smile on his face.

" soojin nice to meet you to"said soojin shaking his hand back.

they both stared into each other's eyes and let go of each other's hand.

soojin cleared her throat and said her goodbyes and went to get a drink.

"max im impressed just in note point two seconds you made her start to fall for you"said jennie 

smiling drinking the wine in the glass she was holding.

max gave her a fake smile and sipped on his water.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE NEXT WHO WILL BE PERFORMING IS ME!"said jennie getting ready to perform.

max sat up ready to see how good jennie really was.

jungkook sat next to soojin and so did seonghwa and watched jennie performing on stage.

max smiled as jennie always would surprise him with these concerts she would do.

jungkook was a little impressed and seonghwa's mouth went wide open in shock,

as for soojin she was just thinking that she could probably do a better job just joking she was 

impressed just as much as everyone else.

"I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED THAT....I KNOW I DID!"shouted jennie out of breath.

(jennie had a plan to embarrass soojin by making her perform not knowing soojin was good at it to)

jennie smiled looked at soojin,

"ARE NEXT PERFORMANCE IS SOOJIN.....COME UP THEN"jennie screamed grinning walking to 

max who was also grinning.

"i am.....umm .....i didn't know"said soojin confused.

"go on then soojin prove to jennie youre better then her"said seonghwa smiling.

"i will help you by getting a few of my friends girlfriends to help you."said seong hwa .

"ok thanks."said soojin walking to the stage.

she then took a deep breath and nodded at the others.

as jennie watched her smile  turned into a frown because her plan was a fail,

max smirked impressed of soojin not only she has the looks but she is good at music and dancing.

jungkook smiled cheering on for her and seonghwa was busy telling everyone to sing along 

and cheer for her and the other girls.

for the rest of the night soojin enjoyed herself with jungkook and seonghwa and jennie on the 

other hand was dreading it seeing jungkook and soojin together.

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