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jungkook sat on his sofa looking through his picture's on his phone and smiled as he flicked through the picture's  of soojin .

"what are you smiling about"asked seonghwa walking towards him.

jungkook blanked him and continued to look through the photos.

seonghwa went behind the sofa and snatched the phone of jungkook.

"HEY GIVE IT BACK"screamed jungkook going red trying to grab his phone back.

jungkook covered his face and sat back down on the sofa covering his face with his hands

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jungkook covered his face and sat back down on the sofa covering his face with his hands.

"awww look kookie is admiring soojin photos"said seonghwa with a grin on his face teasing jungkook.

"jungkook you really like her don't you"said seonghwa sitting next to him.

jungkook cleared his throat and became even more red.

"yahhhh.....tell like her don't you"said seonghwa moving jungkook's arms from his face.

"FINE.....maybe....a lit..little"said jungkook going quieter and quieter.

"YES I KNEW IT!"shouted seonghwa getting excited.

"STOPPPPPP"shouted jungkook covering his face again.

"so when are you going to confess to her..."asked seonghwa intrigued to find out.

"i don't know......i guess when i feel like it's the right time to"said jungkook standing up.

"where are you going"asked seonghwa 

"i am going to play on the playstation for a bit"said jungkook running to play on the 

playstation before seonghwa grabs the pad first.

AFTER A FEW HOURS OF PLAYING..................

jungkook walked downstairs after hearing the door open looking forward to see soojin until he found out it was jennie and not soojin.

"what are you doing here"said jungkook rolling his eyes.

"what do you mean i came to see you kookie"said jennie with a big smile holding a plate of spring rolls and a bottle of blood.

(to vampires you know like how you have champagne  for special occasions and stuff well vampires have a bottle of blood instead.)

"jennie please i am not in the mood for this"said jungkook disappointed that it wasn't soojin.

"jennie please i am not in the mood for this"said jungkook disappointed that it wasn't soojin

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"jungkook wait"said jennie grabbing jungkook's arm.

jungkook turned around with anger,

"WHAT!!"shouted jungkook who has had enough of jennie ruining his life.

"at least eat with me so at least feel a little bit like i am loved please that's all i want 

jungkook."said jennie with a tear rolling down her cheek.

jungkook felt a little sympathy for her and decided to eat with her for only this once.

as soon as jungkook finished eating he got up and walked back into his room not looking back at jennie.

with anger jennie smashed the plate with her hands.

seonghwa walked in that moment of time looking shocked seeing this.

"jennie why did you do that look you have bruises on your hand now"said seonghwa grabbing a bag of ice placing it on her hand,

jennie snatched her hand back and rolled her eyes at seonghwa before leaving him there and going.

as soon as jennie left seonghwa sat down in her seat and began to cry feeling hurt of jennie's 

actions to him trying to help her.

"jennie why can't you see that jungkook doesn't care about you"said seonghwa wiping his 

tears away tidying up all the mess made by jennie punching the plate.

(this chapter was not all that but the next few chapters will be filled with action....also who else

 feel bad for seonghwa i don't know if you remember from previous chapters but seonghwa has

 always had feelings for jennie since childhood but jennie never really noticed him and was 

always to busy getting jungkook's attention.....i hope you enjoyed this chapter....and thank you for reading,)

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