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"yo jungkook get up soojin will be here soon.....remember we talled her we would be ready at 

11am"said seonghwa tapping jungkook's shoulder.

jungkook moaned and wouldn't get out of bed so seonghwa got a big jug of ice cold water and threw the water on jungkook.

"aaaaaaaaaaaagh SEONGHWA A! cold cold cold."screamed jungkook with shock.

seonghwa fell down in laughter seeing jungkook's face and jungkook ran to the bathroom soaking wet.

soon after seonghwa heard soojin knocking on the door and teleported towards her.

"hey won't believe what just happened"said seonghwa laughing his head off.

"what......what happened .........why are you laughing"she said looking around to see why he was laughing.

"jungkook haha jungkook.........hahaha just follow me"he said laughing in between every word he said.

he took soojin to jungkook 's bathroom and as she got into the bathroom she saw jungkook 

soaking wet drying his hair with a towel.

soojin couldn't hold in her laughter and began to laugh her head of.

jungkook  rolled his eyes and slowly started to smile trying to stay serious but he knew it was funny and ended up laughing.

"here let me help you dry your hair"said soojin grabbing the towel and rubbing it into his hair to dry it.

as she was drying his hair and jungkook was on his phone soojin remembered what max talled

 her about max but she didn't know if it was a good idea to mention it.

"are you guys finished ...let's watch the movie already"screamed seonghwa placing a bowl of popcorn down and 3 cans of beer.

soojin went and sat down grabbing a can spreading her legs and jungkook jumped on the over 

sofa next to seonghwa and began to stuff his face with popcorn.

(in the middle of the movie)

jungkook and seonghwa cuddled each other crapping themselves whilst watching the shining.

"HERE'S JOHNNY"screamed the man on the tv.

"aaaaaaaaaaaagh"they all screamed dropping the popcorn everywhere.

soojin squished herself in between jungkook and seonghwa getting scared and they all ended up cuddling each other scared shitless.

"i think we should not watch this guy's "said jungkook putting his hands on his eyes.

seonghwa and soojin ignored him and continued watching the movie even though they where both shitting themselves.

(1 and half hour's later)

"soojin you can stay at our's because might as well"said seonghwa wanting her to stay cause he was scared.

"yeah stay soojin"said jungkook also wanting her to stay for the same reason.

"ok fine i will stay  here you scaredy cats.."said soojin grinning and sat back down.

"we are not scared we just want you to stay"said seonghwa clearing his throat.

"ok then i will go because there is no reason to stay"she said getting up.

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