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seonghwa and jennie  waited patiently in soojins flat waiting for a text or something from 

jungkook but there was no sign of a text or anythink.

they waited for a full night and began to get worried that something may have happened to jungkook.

seonghwa got his phone tracking down jungkook's location and once he found it him and 

jennie grabbed a gun and drove to the location finding jungkook's car parked in a abandoned parking lot.

worried seonghwa and jennie quickly parked the car and ran towards jungkook's car finding 

jungkook asleep with soojin resting on his shoulder with big wounds all over her.

seonghwa tapped on the window to wake up jungkook so that he could unlock the car.

jungkook walk up confused to see seonghwa and jennie outside of his car and unlocked the door.

"are you okay.....OMG why is soojin not breathing"said seonghwa checking soojin's pulse.

"come on we need to get her home jungkook"said seonghwa making jungkook sit at the back with soojin.

then seonghwa and jennie sat at the front and drove back to the house.

when they arrived jungkook carried soojin bridal style to his room and laid her down on the 

bed placing the blankets on top of her.

he then held soojin's hand tightly placing it near him with tear's dripping down his cheeks.

"soojin wake up please.....please"whispered jungkook begging her to wake up.

"jungkook....i think i have someone who can help her"said jennie putting her hand on jungkook's shoulder to comfort him.

jungkook turned around pleading to jennie to get help to save soojin.

it scared jennie seeing jungkook in this state.

she had never seen him this upset in her life.

jennie nodded her head at jungkook and rang a old friend who healed vampires.

(20 minutes later)

"jisoo i am so glad to see you she is in here"said jennie leading jisoo to the room where soojin was.

"jisoo i am so glad to see you she is in here"said jennie leading jisoo to the room where soojin was

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"hello i am jisoo ..don't worry leave soojin in my hands....i will save i need you to leave

 the room"said jisoo placing her hand on jungkook's shoulder.

jungkook left the room and sat on the sofa outside waiting to go back inside to see soojin breathing again.

(24 hours later)

jisoo walked out of the room looking exhausted and walked towards jungkook.

"is she soojin breathing"said jungkook asking jisoo repeatedly.

jisoo smiled at jungkook seeing how much he cared for soojin.

"she is breathing but she will need plenty of if you will excuse me i have a train to 

catch,"said jisoo before teleporting out of the house.

jungkook ran into the room excited to see soojin finally awake after having a sleepless night.

soojin smiled seeing him running into the room almost tripping on the carpet.

as jungkook stood next to soojin who was on the bed soojin grabbed his collar pulling him 

lower and kissed him on the lips.

jungkook looked at soojin shocked before kissing her back and confessed his love to her.

soon after seonghwa and jennie came to visit her buying her gifts and stuff.

(yay finally jungkook confessed his love to soojin.......i hope you enjoyed this story so far .

there is only one more chapter before this book finishes.....i am sad to say goodbye to this book

but i hope more cool story's to come.)


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