Monogamy (Omega 2)(Jin) ABO!AU

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      "Remind me why the hell does the royal family do this?" you were helping Jin put his clothes on, the material of his white thin shirt still crisp from never being worn before.

      "The parade? It's to go and interact a bit with our villagers and workers, keeps the royalty humble in a way." he explained to which you could only scoff.

      "Humble my ass." you turned away from him, tightening the dress on you.

      You knew what you were supposed to be doing today, stay all quiet and submissive, never going against Jin's words.

      It was a heavy shift to your usual dynamic, but for the sake of not being banished from the kingdom and throne like Taehyung and Jimin have been, you went along with your husbands needs.

      You left the room and started to ascend down the hallway before you bumped into your cousin, the same brat that got married to Jeon Jungkook the youngest royalty in the house, but also the highest ranking among his siblings.

      "Jiseo?" your eyes scaned her, feeling the omega's fear practically seep into your skin as you held her shoulders.

      "Are you okay?" you looked down at her, the girl being significantly shorter than you and tinier in her frame, especially ever since she began to look more and more sick day by day, too skinny for her own good.

      "She's fine." the authoritative voice came from the room she just left before Jungkook came into view, only a robe over him, tied around his hips hiding his lower body, but his chest remained uncovered and littered with scratches.

      "Come here Jiseo." the girl spun around and went back into the bedroom, but Jungkook remained leaning on the frame.

      "What are you looking at Y/N? Wanna join?" 

      "You're disgusting." spinning around a small chuckle came from behind before he shut the door again.

      "Who were you talking to?"


      "Y/N..." the sad tone in his voice was back, making your anger fade a bit. You knew what was coming.

      "I told you not to mess around with him, just stay away."

      "And watch him kill Jiseo?! Seokjin, even I pity her now! And I always hated that bitch!"

      "Just let it go, it's how thing's here go." he informed, yet again and you glared at him.

      "You disgust me." his uneasiness was easy to detect, feeling the need to be approved by his alpha.


      "Save it. Let's go." 

      "Can't we settle this now? I don't wanna go out there while you're mad."

      "What is it? Scared my temper might show and everyone will know that I'm not your bitch, but that it's the other way around?" you didn't mean it, you'll do anything for him to get to that throne one day, but they were just spiteful words.

      "Fine. You wanna fight?" it was the first time he bit back at your words, acting stubborn.

      "Let's go...we don't need to settle anything."

      And he was gone.

      The beginning was quite uneventful until you went deeper into the village.

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