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      I have a BIG favor to ask. I've been seeing so much positive feedback and cooperation from you guys and even some help. So I wanted to get your opinion on a book I wrote that never really got a lot of attention, especially from all the readers that have been interacting with me a lot! I like really love you guys...not to be sappy, but yeah.

      If you go on my profile the book is called "Roxanne" and its a Jimin fic, it has a lot of relatively short chapters and an Epilogue as the 26th chapter that I wrote tonight

      It's a pretty sad story and I see that those stories suit me the best when it comes to writing so I'd really appreciate it if you took a few minutes to read it and leave feedback, because you really zoom through it really fast!

      Thank you so much in advance and stay tuned since I'm writing a few requests after this chapter  that will probably start coming out tomorrow or the day after!!!

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