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Madness becomes you...😈

I feel two heart beats in me
Numbness dares to kill me
As I cry for death
To pull me to his chest
To take away my last breath
To give me darkness....

"She's waking up" a faint voice says.

"I'll go get the doctor" another voice says.

My eyes flutter open slowly and I scan my surroundings carefully. The setting is very medical and the smell of pills and death fill my senses. Great I'm in a hospital.

"Man you gave me a fright" Lillie exhales with her hand on her chest and a smile on her face. God I missed her, I send a smile back and I can see her body relax.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask as a nurse walks in with a doctor behind her. I feel weirdly numb. I look down at my body to find no bandages or stitches and my fingers very much intact. Was it a dream?. I look completely fine, why am I here?. But most importantly How did I get here?

"Kiah" I wince at the sound of my first name as the doctor calls for my attention. Only my family members use my first name. The outside world uses my second name, weird I know. "We checked your vitals and did some blood tests and you are perfectly fine" the doctor says while looking at a paper in his hand.

"What happened to you?" Lilie asks.

"Yes, your friend here said she went to your house and found you laying on the lawn" the nurse continues. "But you are perfectly fine and there are no drugs in your system so we don't understand"

Drugs?... I was drugged!!

And in that moment I remember, it all comes flooding back to me. It wasn't a dream, it was very real!!!. It had to have been days. "What day is it?" I'm trying to piece things together.

"Saturday" Lilie notices my concern as she says this. "I found you last night when I came over for the sleepover cause you didn't answer my calls"

"Oh" so its only been 2days. It feels like more than that. "When can I leave?" I face the doctor.

"Right now if you want, you just need to sign the release papers, you are perfectly fine" he says with a smile that creeps me out. I give him a nod and he leaves to go get the papers. The nurse leaves shortly after.

"Okay, so are you going to tell me what happened to you?" Lilie says folding her arms in front of her.

"I don't know, I don't know if it really happened. I got kidnapped but I'm not sure if it was real, my body has healed and I'm really okay so I don't get it, but it felt so real Lee" I say as I put on my clothes that lilie gave me. Wait!! My clothes were torn and bloody. I wasn't wearing this. I stare at my shirt cause I've already put on my jeans and bra.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lilie asks with concern lacing her voice. "And do you know who kidnapped you, if you did get kidnapped"

"Yes" the best thing about Lilie is that she doesn't judge, she keeps an open mind at all times so I'm not worried about her thinking I'm crazy. I'm just worried she might want to become my 'let's go kill em' crazy friend or something.

"You wanna go get em" she says with a evil smile.


Yeah I thought she might go down that route. "No, I'm exhausted Lee, I have shit loads of school work to do"

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