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Lexi up top☝ (I'm a die hard fan of Jessie💜)

"Psst... Psst"

"For gods sake stop it!" I shout at who ever has decided to wake me up. I rub my eyes and right on top of me is Lexi.

"I'm sorry but I'm just too excited to have a new friend" she squeals making me flinch. "Sorry, its just that since Lilie left to go look after you, I was sorta left without friends" she says getting off me.

"Lee left hell to look after me? As in a fake friend?" My question was more for myself but she heard it and gave a short nod. I release a short sigh and lay on my side trying to go back to sleep.

"Don't be like that, you have a weird way of hurting you know" she says and I don't respond, "look, everything was done so you could end up here, I know its bad but he did it out of love, man that bozo fell in love with you the moment you were born"

I turn and look at her, "Grace, I know it hurts and its unforgivable but instead of laying here moping around, let's release all that stored anger and sadness, you'll have fun I promise" she gets up smiling and offers her hand to me. I stare at it for a while. What could it hurt right?

I grab her hand and we walk towards the door. "This is going to be so much fun, I've never hanged with a witch before" she squeals again, gosh I'm going to be deaf if I keep hanging around her.

"I'm not a witch" I say emotionlessly.

"Yes you are, your dad is a fallen and your mother a witch" she says grabbing my hand as we walk through the large hallway.

"What's a fallen?" I'm curious, I thought my dad was a bit human, well until the whole glowing yellow eyes moment.

"Oh crap!, you don't know much do you?" I shake my head in response, "well your dad and myself and many others were angels, you could say your dad is my older brother, see we fell from heaven a long time ago due to a misunderstanding between God and his favorite son. Lucifer tried giving father some advise on how to handle matters with the other Gods and how to handle the humans but things didn't go so well. They had a huge argument and left most of us angels in question, many of us agreed with Lucifer's ideas and strategy but the others didn't so long story short, the big man decided that we would have to deal with the situation our own way but to do so we would need to fall and we all agreed and followed Lucifer" she finishes as we walk into a grand kitchen.

"Wow" is all I can say.

"Wow to the story or wow to the kitchen?" She smiles at me making me feel relaxed.

"Both, I thought that the devil gave Eve the apple then boom heaven and hell" I shrug

"Well that's what everyone thinks, but unfortunately we co-exist with other Gods and the Greek gods are actually the reason for all this chaos of sin, if they weren't so greedy things would still be the same but hades, oh that hades always had a scheme up his sleeve, always trying to overtake any powerful God" she opens the fridge throwing a bottle of water at me. "Hades isn't really that bad though, he just hates being under people, he hates his realm specifically and the fact that his brother took over even when he is the oldest sorta sent him into oblivion not to forget that Zues always liked shiny things and never gave hades a dime"

"That's tense, I just don't understand why I had to suffer so much though" I sigh before taking a sip of the water again.

"Well you just need to give him a chance and eventually you'll understand why"

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