00 | The Team

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Hellooooo, long time no see with this book. The following is the very original book that I posted two years ago or so. It has not been edited. The characters have changed a lot. And the story may chnage but I'll be posting what I've written and then be editing it later, with the new storyline and characters. But it may be slow going.

One main thing is a reminder that Cleo was originally white, meaning her and clays kids are white. That will be changing they'll be mixed, I just don't feel like going through and editing yet. So enjoy what I've got.

Love you guys for all the support.


Holland Cross sits at the head of the table, her short blonde hair pulled back into a sleek low bun. Her hands folded neatly on the polished wood, overlapping the diamond ring on her finger.

Archer Cross stands slightly behind her, at her right. His hands sit delicately on her shoulders as he rubs them absentmindedly. His eyes flickering to gaze at her every few seconds.

"It's not a good idea." Clay Beckett's soft but determined voice echoes through the room.

"Oh, C'mon it's a great idea!" Liam Carter's cheery one replies, his hands thrown out in exasperation.

Andy Carter, Liam's wife sits beside him, glaring at the side of his head in her own exasperated state. Her black tip nails tapping rhythmically against the mahogany wood.

"You know, I second that." Sebastian Smith sounds out, winking in Liam's direction. The boys share a conspirators grin and lazily recline in their seats, nodding at each other. The friendship that had blossomed between them the cause of many headaches for the rest of the team.


"Babe." Cleo Beckett rested her hands on her husband chest and leant into him, whispering in his ear. "They need this, give it to them."

Clays shoulders slump. As a last resort he looks to Lilac Smith, the very pregnant brunette sitting beside Holland.

She only shrugs, grasping Sebastian's hand in hers and squeezing it to calm her racing heart.

"I'm with Liam."

"No you're with me." Sebastian whispers huskily in her ear. He bites the lobe gently before staring ahead, pretending nothing happened.

Clay growls and stares at Archer, his face pleading.

Archer smirks back at his best friend.

"Sorry mate, I want to give the kids a relatively normal life. At least-" He glances down at Holland. "-for now"

"Fine." Clay grumbles, thinking of his twin teenage sons, Ryland, and Reid.

Cleo beams at him from the side and he lets a smile slip past the broody exterior.

"Fine." He repeats a bit louder, "But what if they get hurt?"

"They won't." Holland announces.

"But it's their first time going." He argues softly.

"They'll be fine." Cleo reiterates

"How bad could it be?" Liam chuckles and fist bumps Sebastian, their adult demeanours instantly turning into teenagers.

"Very bad." Clay answers grouchily, fists tightening.

"They will be fine." Lilac says softly, thinking of her daughter, Artemis.

"They'll have each other" Holland agrees, her own thoughts on her baby.

Hazel eyes, blonde hair, chubby cheeks, little pink lips.

Now a teenager, Paisley. Her mind wanders to her son, Vincent, who has just started training with his father. The boy adamant that he will be better than his mother and father combined. His brown hair a match to Archers, with deep, dark brown eyes that seem to see right through a person when the boy isn't smiling of course.

"It'll be like their first mission as a team." Andy says, looking at Liam and thinking of their daughter, Windsor.

"They're not going to be fine." Clays declares, looking each of the parents in the eyes. "They're practically going to war."

"Stop being dramatic, baby." Cleo slaps his shoulder, her - now back-to-black hair cut to her shoulders. Her dark eyes are wide with unhidden excitement for her two boys.

Lilac nods her head as Sebastian leans down to kiss his wife's stomach, their unborn child inside.

He murmurs against her protruding belly. "They'll pave the way for our future children."

"Talk for yourself, I'm not having future children." Liam chuckles and Andy's glare gets hotter, she smacks him upside the head.

"Excuse me?" She spits.

"I-I mean-" He glances at his companions, but they offer no assistance. "I mean not right now."

Andy huffs and glances each of the girls in the eye and they give her encouraging smiles. She straightens her spine and glances at her husband.

"Well you better be ready in eight months because I'm pregnant."

Silence ensues before Lilac is giggling behind an enclosed fist.

"Please be a boy, daddy wants a boy." Liam whispers before grabbing Andy's face and kissing her hungrily.

Clay clears his throat awkwardly.

"Congrats." He says. "Even more reason the kids should stay here, with us. Safe." He nods his head as if he has it all figured out.

"Clay." Archer looks at his best friend. "Ryland and Reid will be fine."

Clay shrugs and leans back in his seat, having given up on changing their minds.

"Drama Queen" Liam mutters as he pulls a pregnant Andy into his side.

She smiles against his shoulder as she places a lingering kiss there.

"It won't be that bad." Sebastian nods along with Liam, both their hands on their pregnant wives stomachs. One six months along, One only a month along but both equally excited for the new additions to their team.

"It's high school, how bad could it be?"

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