11 | Artemis

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My knees meet the hard surface of the ground, a hand pushing at the junction between my shoulder blades.

"Fucking asshole." I grunt under my breath. My muscles sing with pain, bruises blooming from the car accident. I pay them no mind as I try and figure out who took Harley and I.

I narrow my eyes under the hood they put over my head, mind reeling with possibilities. Enemies I've made over my short 17 years.

There was a lot.

I grind my teeth, twisting my hands behind my back to try and loosen the rope. It doesn't work, the twisted rope digging into my skin even more.

"Shoot them." A gruff voice interrupts my thinking and my head tilts to the side slightly

Excuse me? I'll shoot you, you little fucker.

I narrow my eyes in the direction the voice came from, thinking of how I'll kill them once I'm free.

"No." A voice snaps, the rumble of it tumbling down my spine and causing it to tense.

Harley moves beside me, brushing my shoulder.

"Enzo?" Her whispered voice causes me to move my wrists more. Clenching my teeth at the pain that dances from the wound the ropes is creating. "Alessio?!"

"Harley?" A new voice echoes and I tilt my head in slight curiosity, trying to place a name to the new voice.


The ropes dig into my wrist as I twist them in earnest, trying in vain to get them off.

"Will somebody tell me what the fuck is going on?!" I spit as the skin starts tearing under the ropes, my own crimson blood most likely painting the rope red.

The silence becomes deafening, the murmuring of multiple men assaulting my ears.

I breathe out and close my eyes, focusing my hearing on the voices.

I count the different tones in my head, the accents, and the language they are using.

Italians, of course.

Fuck you, Enzo, for getting me into this shit.

But why did they take Harley and I? They couldn't possibly know about the team already.

"Kill the girl." My head snaps to the voice, shoulders bunching as I move closer to where I can feel Harley.

Chuckles fill the air.

Harley sucks in a harsh breath by my side, I can practically hear her erratically beating heart.

I move slightly over, my shoulder touching her, trying to give her as much comfort as I can in the position I'm in.

I was just collateral damage; I was never the intended target. But why do they want to kill Harley? Obviously, these men don't think for themselves, so why does Enzos' father want her dead?

I have to get her out of here.

My eyes widen as something whispers through the air, the sound of a body dropping hits next.

Trust me, it's a body, I know that sound.

The men swear, shouts echoing as bullet after bullet hit the cement wall. I feel as Harleys body flinches against mine at the sound. Before silence ensues.

A shot echoes, the loudness of it competing with the other ones.

Another body meets the first. I twist my hands more, frantic to get the rope off.

Infiltrate [3] - very slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now