06 | Windsor

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The music from the party drums under my feet as I sit at the desk, typing furiously against the keyboard.

It didn't take much to hack into the person computer. I had access to the school records and anything else I needed, and it couldn't be traced back to me.

My red hair is pulled into a messy bun on top of my head. I blow a piece out of my face as my eyes scan the words flowing over the screen. All the information I could gather on Alessio and Enzo Vitale - that the school know of.

Which wasn't much more than we already know. Except now I know Enzo is failing mathematics and Alessio was smarter than you'd expect.

I shut down the tabs I'd opened and erase all knowledge I'd been here before spinning in the chair and getting up.

The bedroom door opens as soon as I grab the handle and I clench my fist, taking a step back.

The boy looks at me curiously, before glancing out into the hallway again.

"What are you doing in here?"

Oh shit.


"Nobody is allowed in here." The boy takes a step forward, watching me curiously before looking at his desk and the computer I was just on. "Who are you?" He takes a step forward and I stumble back onto the bed, my phone falling out of my grip and onto the mattress.


"Babe, I found a-" Ryland walks up behind the boy. In his hand in a small foil packet, he stumbles to a stop as the boy glares at him.

"Fuck, not in my room." The boy growls and opens the door wider, glaring at me till I leave, I quickly get up from the bed and rush out.

I scoot past him and take Rylands hand as he pulls me away, the boy continuing to watch as we disappear.

"Thankyou." I whisper.

"Did you find anything?" Ryland asks as he wraps his arm around my shoulder and guides me down the stairs.

"Nothing of importance, I'd find more from my computer back home with the software I have." I whisper back, glancing at people's faces as they dance and stumble past.

"Hey!" The boy from before shouts out at us and Ryland grips my hand, pulling me into his body and caging me against the wall.

His lips descend on mine, moving against mine with urgency.

I sigh and my hands find his hair, burying in the blonde locks.

My back arches off the wall as his tongue slides along my lower lip.

A voice clears and I slowly take my lips from Rys', looking at the boy.

"You left your phone." He holds out my phone to me and I grab it gently, smiling at him sheepishly. "Oh, sorry. Thankyou."

He rolls his eyes and leaves.

Rys chest is still flush against mine, his chest moving against my own with each inhale and exhale.

"You forgot your phone?"

"When have I ever forgotten anything?" I whisper back and reach into his front pocket as he stills. I retrieve the plastic baggy I know he and Reid always carry in case they need to retrieve evidence. I place my phone in it before sealing it and placing it in my back pocket.

"Sneaky." Ry hushes and lifts himself off me. "Who is he?"

"That is Jackson, seems to be the only other friend beside Enzo and Harley of Alessio's and I intend to use him."

"Use him how?"

"I haven't figure it out yet." I whisper as I stand from the wall, continuing down the hall. "I don't even know if he's useful yet, which is why I need his fingerprints."

"Why his fingerprints when we can just hack into the school system and find out everything?"

I pause and look back at him, pulling him into me as a crowd of people walk past.

I wait till they disappear before answering.

"Because the information I found on him only goes back three years."

"There's nothing else on him?"

"No, which is why I need his fingerprints. I can run them through our system."

"Okay." Ry shrugs and lifts himself off the wall, taking my hand in his. "Then let's go home and do that."

"You don't want to stay at the party?" I whisper.

He looks around at the drunk students. "Not particularly"

"Great." I pull him along. "Let's get out of here." I quickly grab his phone and text the group that we are leaving before fishing the keys out of his back pocket. handing him back his phone in an exchange.

"Hey!" He growls. "They're my keys"

"Good observation." I quip and continue on.

"I'm driving."

I look at him deadpan. "I'll get us there faster"

He rolls his eyes but smiles anyway. "Fine, you drive."

Infiltrate [3] - very slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now