18 | Paisley

466 32 14

The school uniform we'd acquired itches, the wig on my head no better.

I quickly adjusted the shoulder length black wig, feeling the strands brush my collarbones and the fringe brush slightly into my eyes.

I scowl, black hair did not suit me one bit.

Though on Artemis it brought out the freckles on her face, we almost looked like twins. Except the black wig actually suited her.

She adjusted her tie, huffing at the useless material before just letting it sit lopsided at her neck.

I grabbed the uniform sweater and swung it over my shoulders, tying it in a knot in front of me. It hid the horrendous necktie nicely.

I adjusted the wig once more before slipping into the shoes, raising an eyebrow as I saw Artemis glance longingly towards her docs.

"Blend in" I reminded and she quickly got into the lace up school shoes, grimacing as she did them up.

"I look like a brat" she mutters

"You are a brat"

"Piss off, Paisley"

I raised a mocking brow, smirking at her.

"I hate you" she scowls and leaves, and I follow behind her.

The rest are already ready, sitting in the car waiting for us.

• • •

The school shoes slap against the linoleum, as we join the herd of students, keeping our heads down and postures straight.

Confident. We belong here.

I nod my head subtlety at the others before separating, watching as Windsor with her new strawberry blonde hair in a plait down her back, the wig hiding her fiery red tresses from sight walks away, Ryland by her side.

The boys hair was harder to hide, Reid opting to temporarily dye his blonde hair red and Ryland staying the same.

I quickly check the comm in my ear, pushing it further in and pulling the black strands in front of my ear to make sure it's hidden.

I waltz around the museum, the place feeling strangely familiar yet I know I've never been here before.

I browse the paintings my eyes settling on three particular ones on the wall directly in front of me, I step forward mesmerised titling my head curiously as I make eye contact with the eyes of the paintings, the residents in differing states of emotion inside their framed homes.




Buzzing in my ear breaks my concentration, Reids' voice interrupting the silence.

"Target acquired. Front door."

My hazel eyes swing to the front door, catching the man who walks through, his face familiar since it's the same one I've been staring at for the last few days.

I quickly step away from the painting and walk to another area, securing myself behind a marble statue. Easy to see but not be seen.

I glance at the plaque.

Venus De Milo.

I glance up into the statues soulless eyes, before staring behind her as the target wanders the room, no doubt waiting for the summit to begin.

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