09 | Artemis

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I look at the daunting building, disgust and excitement slithering up my spine.

Disgust, because it's fucking school.

Excitement, because it's for a mission.

I hike my bag further up my shoulder and continue forward. Doc martens tapping rhythmically against the ground.

I'd driven myself today, taking my motorbike instead of arriving with the others. I had plans this afternoon.

The baby pink mini skirt brushes my sheer black stocking covered thighs as I make my way up the stairs. Feeling the eyes of my peers boring into my back.

I don't glance back, pushing my shoulders back in defiance.

My palms slam against the double doors, forcing them wide open as I step through, head held high.

I stop in front of them, grimacing at the attention on me.

I hate school.

The doors slam shut behind me. Air blowing against my back, causing brown tendrils to flutter around my shoulders.

With a self-satisfied smirk, I continue on my walk.

A boy leans against the wall, green eyes set on mine as I saunter past. I raise a questioning brow as annoyance begins to flood my system.

He smirks cockily, pushing off the wall, beginning to stalk beside me.

"Artemis, right?"

"Yes." I reply, monotone, blinking up at him.

His cheeks lift as he sends me a dazzling smile.


"Interesting." I hum, interrupting him. "I don't care."

I brush past him, my eyes locking on a pair of light brown ones.

Harley smiles as I near her. I lean against the lockers next to her, bracing my foot against the dented metal to stabilise myself.

"Long time, no see." She quips, smiling as her eyes fall on the boy I'd left behind.

"Ignoring Jackson." She chuckles. "That's going to get you in trouble."

I look at her with a raised brow, twinkling eyes and a smirk lighting my face. "I am trouble, babe."

She smiles beside me, shaking her head as a chuckle slips past her lips. Her eyes flicker back to mine.

Her eyes drift from mine, focusing on something on the other side of me and I follow her gaze.

Alessio and Enzo walk this way, whispering to each other before Enzo nods his head and breaks off, stalking to us.

His eyes settle on mine, the blue darkening before he nods his head at Harley and walks to the locker beside her.

"Hey Harls." He murmurs as it closes, his books in hand.

"Morning, Enzo." I quip, smirking at the boy who has continued to ignore me since the day I met him.

The morning bell rings, but none of us move as the students around us herd down the hallway.

His darkened eyes settle on me, lingering before his lips finally form the word. "Hi"

His eyes settle back on Harley and he nods. Conveying something with his eyes before turning around.

I narrow my eyes on his back.

The sound of a phone blaring interrupts the awkward silence. Enzo grabs his phone from his pocket, glancing down at the screen.

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