22 | Paisley

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The bag swings wildly, my shirt clinging to my sweaty back as I pivot in my spot and force a kick at the beg, watching it spin before it slows to a stop.

I let out a harsh breath, wiping my forehead before turning in my spot and forcing a kick at my father, he blocks it with a well maneuvered arm, smirking at me as his foot comes up and smashes into my stomach.

I cough and stagger back, glaring at him, hazel eyes burning.

"Again" He nods at me, righting himself.

I mockingly mimic him but get into position, raising a brow at him as his face falls into an incredulous one.

I don't let him relax to prepare, instead throwing a one-two punch towards his unprotected stomach before feinting right and ducking under his out thrown fist, shoving my shoulder into his to throw him off balance as I spin behind him dancing on the balls of my feet.

He staggers slightly from my shoulder but its miniscule, his shoulders bunching as he quickly turns to me and throws out a punch, I move to block it but seconds too late, instead using his momentum to shove his arm out of my face as his fist skims my cheekbone.

His knee collides into my abdomen, the breath leaving me as I twist and shove my own knee into his unprotected side, his body folding from the force.

I quickly crouch to the ground, my leg snapping out to make contact with his ankles, forcing his feet out from under him.

His back meets the hard surface of the training mat as the breath is knocked out of him.

I stand above him, smirking my triumph.

"Ooh" comes a smart voice from the door, I turn from smirking at my dad, smiling as mum walks in, Vincent trailing behind her. "That looked like it hurt"

"Shut up, Holland" Dad snaps but it has no fire in it as he slowly pushes himself back up.

Her smile widens as she looks to me, her dark brown eyes staring into my hazel ones.

"Time for a real fight" She says and quickly get into position. "Think you can beat me?" She taunts, tying her blonde hair back into a low ponytail.

I look at my dad, winking down at him "I think we can" I help him up as he tilts his head at mum, pouting mockingly "Sorry, babe, I'm on our daughters side"

"This'll be good." I hear Vinnie mutter as he takes a seat against the wall? Watching us eagerly. "Kick her ass, dad! You have to train me after so hurry."

Mums scoffs "That really hurt" she says sarcastically as dad gets into position by my side, we both lift out fists simultaneously.

"Try your hardest, mum" I hiss, circling her, dad going one way, me going the other.

• • •

I was late to school, our training session had gone overtime.

I'd left my parents in the training room, with mum nursing dads bruised ego after she'd won against us. Again.

The school was silent, the students having already gone to their classes for the start of the day.

My teammates had all left while I was training, all except Ried, who volunteered to stay with Danny and his father, to keep them safe. Obviously.

Aunt Cleo and Uncle Clay were also working on Mr. Ardens case, trying to get to the person who had ordered the hit on him.

Dad was talking about recruiting more people, with the help of Aunt Andy and Uncle Liam. Right now Andy was looking into a girl called Noah - I wonder what her story is?

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