17 | Paisley

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I strum my fingers along the table, glancing at the faces across from me, waiting for the last two to arrive.

And once they do. I roll my eyes.

Uncle Liam and Uncle Sebastian stroll in, chuckling between each other before taking a seat at the last two chairs at the meeting table.

I raise a brow at them.

"Hey baby girl" Uncle Liam says cheekily, holding his plate of pancakes up toward me, the smell wafting around the room.

"Want one?" Uncle Sebastian says, pointing with his knife down to his own plate of pancakes. Aunt Lilac gags, her hand flying from her stomach to her mouth, mumbling something beneath her hand.

"No" I tell them sternly, though my stomach grumbles in complaint.

In response, Uncle Sebastian shovels the rest of his pancakes into his mouth.

"No fair" Uncle Liam whines as he looks at his still half full plate "I didn't know we started the competition yet"

Windsor leans over from her seat and takes one of the pancakes, both her and Uncle Liam giving matching cheeky grins as the chew in sync before uncle Liams' eyes settle on Ryland sitting next to Windsor.

A bit too close to her, in fact.

I smirk as Ryland holds Liam's gaze for three seconds before hastily looking away but he doesn't move from beside Windsor, his shoulders tensing. Windsors' arm moves and Rylands shoulders relax, his muscles melting. No doubt from her touch.

I shake my head.

And they think people don't know.

It's as plain as the scowl on Uncle Liam's face as he glares at their close proximity.


"Leave my son alone" Aunt Cleo scolds, glaring down at him.

Uncle Liam's face crumbles "but-"

"Liam, babe, let it go"

"Andromeda" he starts but she only raises a brow, a matching one being thrown at him by Windsor as well. "Fine"

"Okay, now that that is settled" Dad begins, sliding a folder to each of my teammates.

"We know you have a mission already, but this one is dire"

"What is it?" I sit up straight as I flip open the folder, my eyes straight away connecting to the dark ones staring back at me from a smiling face.

The photo was taken at a cafe, the recipient obviously unaware of his photo being taken.

Michael Arden.

"Mr. Arden is the CEO of Daniel Bailey enterprises. We've recently received word of a hit being placed on his head. Your job is to protect him and take him to one of our safe houses"

"Which one?" Reid questions, already having flipped through the whole file, already glancing up at our parents.

Uncle Clay leans forward, tapping the desk "The one in Williams street, we will set everything up from there"

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