10 | Paisley

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A ringtone cuts through the silence of the classroom. Alessio quickly removes it from his pocket and glances at the lit-up screen.

"No phones in class, Mr. Vitale." The teacher reminds sternly, her foot tapping impatiently against the linoleum.

"It's my-" He pauses "-Father Miss, it's probably important."

She narrows her eyes, pursing her lips before nodding her head. "Take it outside."

Alessio quickly gets up from his seat, my eyes following him as he walks past me to the door behind me.

I spin back around in my seat and catch a pair of eyes glancing my way. I tilt my head at Jackson as he smirks at me. My nails tap against the desk impatiently until he winks at me and turns back to the front of the classroom.


My phone buzzes moments later and I slip it out. My eyes skim over the text Artemis sent the group before shoving it back in my pocket.

I count to thirty, Alessio still not back before I hastily slip out of the classroom without notice. I make my way out of the school and towards my car, keeping an eye out for Alessios' own car.

I spot it as I get to my car, his exiting the gates of the school.

I quickly get in my car, hazel eyes locked on his as I start the engine and begin to tail him from a distance.

I follow him for over half an hour before he finally pulls in behind a decrepit building. Getting out of the car and glancing over his shoulder before wandering inside.

I pull over to the side of the road, my eyes pinned on the building he disappeared into. With a sigh, I turn off the ignition and get out.

I reach over and open the glove compartment, retrieving the gun I had stashed in there. I make sure the magazine is full before clicking it back into place.

My shoes meet the hard surface of the ground before I shut the car door quietly behind me. Quickly pulling my blonde hair into a high ponytail and tightening it.

I walk across the road on calculated steps, my hazel eyes analysing my surroundings. I notice a window within easy reach and make my way towards it.

I glance behind me subtlety, making sure no one is around before lifting myself up and through the window. I land stealthily in a low crouch on the other side.

I slide the window shut behind me before exiting the room on silent steps.

I stay quiet, listening for an echo or a noise that will give away their location.

A grunt reaches my ears and I hastily walk to the sound, holding my gun in front of me.

A group of about ten men stand around the room. Not including the unmistakable figures of Alessio and Enzo.

I narrow my eyes on the guns in the men's hands, before focusing on Alessio and Enzo.

Assholes, you just couldn't stay out of trouble.

I toe my way further into the room, remaining in the dark grasp of the shadows, stalking the ten men with my eyes.

Alessio stands slightly in front of Enzo, wide shoulders blocking Enzo from sight. His stance is protective as he glares ahead of him. Enzos shoulders are tense, hands balled into fists by his side.

I tilt my head, leaning slightly against the wall to hide myself further. One of the men - who I deduce is the head of the group spits something I can't catch.

His wrinkled face twists into an ugly scowl before a smirk takes residence. He nods his head to the open door across from me. I look at it, narrowing my eyes but all I can make out is darkness.

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