01 | Paisley

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"Fuck" Artemis whispers beside me, her brunette hair falling in waves down her back.

We stand as a group at the threshold of the school. Looking at the field of testosterone and hormones that invade the hallways.

"Fuck this, I'm out of here." Ryland mutters and starts to turn back to the cars. The white t-shirt he wears tight across his wide shoulders and his abdomen.

Reid grabs his identical twin brothers shoulder and spins him back. He holds on tight so he can't run away and gestures with a flick of the wrist to the school.

"If I'm going, you're going." He says happily, smirking at his brother. The wind drags delicate fingers through his blonde hair before moving to Rylands. They both push the offending strands out of their eyes at the same time.

I look to my left at my cousin and best friend, Artemis, and my other best friend Windsor. They both give me wincing smiles as we all turn our heads to stare at the jungle in front of us.

"Why are we doing this again?" Windsor sidles up to my side and whispers towards me.

"Because the rents said so." Artemis hisses, her contempt for our parents decision obvious.

The shrill bell sounds and pulls us out of our stupor.

"C'mon, we have to get to class." I say and start walking into the building, feeling the twins and my best friends at my back. My team.

The hall is overly crowded as students rush to get to class and others continue to linger at their lockers. Eyes dead-tired and faces tainted with boredom. Others with bright faces and mischievous irises.

My docs clatter against the tiles of the school as we wander aimlessly down the hall. Following the signs that point us towards the head office.

"Oi! New girls." Comes an obnoxious voice and we all ignore it except for Artemis who sticks her finger up.

A deep chuckle resonates from down the hall and I glance over my shoulder at the group. My eyes stray to the three figures apart of the group but distanced enough that it piques my curiosity. Two boys and one girl. Their heads turn our way and my eyes catch another's.

His blue eyes catch my attention first, his black hair styled yet messy. As if he'd run his hands through it after brushing it.

He tilts his head my way, eyes narrowed in curiosity. He pushes himself off the row of lockers, the two people at his side following suit, leaving the rest of the group. A boy in the group watches them go and my attention fixates on him.

He looks away, smirking at the group of people surrounding him, the three forgotten. My eyes go back to the smaller group.

I watch the three of them disappear around the bend before I focus back on the task at hand.

"What was that about?" Windsor whispers to me, Artemis looking on as well with a raised brow and pursed lips fighting a grin.

"It was nothing." I shake my head and shake off their curiosity before entering through the archway. We stalk up to the desk, Ry and Reid already there.

Ryland leans lazily against the desk. Smiling handsomely at the older woman behind the counter. Her cat-eye glasses slip down her petite nose as she giggles at something he says.

He turns to me and sends a subtle wink my way.

"Asswipe." Reid mutters to me as we watch his brother charm the wits out of the school secretary. Who's no doubt willing to catch a case.

"Typical Ry." I reply. "Do you think we'll ever manage to actually leave the office?"

I don't get an answer and I turn my head to face Reid, my gaze watching the side of his face.

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