Chapter One

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A/N - Hi everyone, welcome to my first story on Wattpad. I've created stories on wattpad for years on several different accounts but have locked myself out of the accounts so I have managed to reopen this account and start writing again. Hope you enjoy the story. If you do please don't forget to vote :) - Kallie xx

All day I was anxiously awaiting my father's arrival. Since I had moved into my flat nearly two years prior, he had visited me twice. He only ever visited to ensure I was keeping the place in check and staying on top of my uni work. He was the partner of a law firm so had the money to outright pay for a flat in Liverpool for me. As a way to silence the past, he bought one right on the docks knowing that it was my dream living space. In Liverpool at least. If I could afford it, I would travel the world until I found somewhere that felt like home.

I surveyed the apartment one last time and was pleased at myself for how spotless it looked. The apartment was surprisingly spacious. It had two decent sized bedrooms, a living room with an adjoining kitchen and a large bathroom. I loved having a spare room for when I held parties and invited friends over as my best friend Savannagh Abotts could stay. So, the reason my dad was coming today infuriated me beyond belief.

Around a week earlier my father had called me to inform me that I would seen be getting a new roommate. At first, I was taken aback but soon the idea grown on me. I missed out on the experience of living in halls so it would have been nice to constantly have a girl around. While I was anxious to see my father, I was also excited to meet my new roommate and hopefully friend. My heart was beating fast in anticipation as the buzzer for my flat went indicating they had arrived. I quickly grabbed my keys and rushed to the lift - my flat was on the twelfth floor, there was absolutely no way I was rushing down that many stairs to meet my new roommate.

I saw my dad first. He was a tall man, around 6ft with dark hair and hazel eyes. He was clad in an expensive looking business suit. It made me inwardly roll my eyes to see he had also driven his Aston Martin go get here. My father was rich and flashy but he loved to watch me struggle. Although he paid for my education and flat, that was it. I know how lucky I am compared to other students now struggle to keep their head above water when paying rent. But I still struggled with having money for living costs etc.

What my dad failed to mention is that I would not be living with a girl but instead I would be roomies with the partner of his firm's son. My dad has never introduced me to his partner and frankly I wasn't that interested in my dads life except for when he was helping me financially. It took me a minute to realise that it was two other men stepping out of my dads car and that there was no female presence in sight.

I decided to play dumb. "So, when's my roommate getting here? I'm so excited to finally have a girl to live with!" I exclaimed with false enthusiasm.

I was hoping for my dad to assure me she's running late but he just gritted his teeth in anger. "This is your roommate" he gestured to a male who looked a few years older than me. He was around 6ft3/4 with shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes. He was good looking. Really good looking. The type of boy you know is going to break your heart and you'd apologise for it.

"You can stop staring now" the boy sniggered.

I scoffed "I was just thinking you're a very rugged looking girl."

"Don't be rude! This is my daughter Harper-Rose. Apologies for the cold welcome. She can be...let's just say hard work" my dad offered with an eye roll.

"It's fine Mr Stewart. I'm sure once she gets over that I am in fact a male, she will be a lot more welcoming" he sniggered again.

I sighed and rolled my eyes before taken notice of who I assumed to be the boys father. He looked just like him with the shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes only he was around 5ft10.

"I'm Ashton Blake. I hope you will make my son feel welcome here but don't let him get away with too much he's already on thin ice as it is" Mr Blake's tone was joking but you could sense the truth behind it. I liked him immediately.

I assumed neither of the Blake men knew about my dads other business. I wasn't about to ask them though, I guess I would find out in due course.

"Well, aren't you going to introduce yourself son? Don't be shy! This is my son, Hunter Blake." Mr Blake slightly shoved his son in an effort to make him politely introduce himself to me. He just rolled his eyes in response and started lifting boxes from the car.

Silently, I walked over to the car and started helping unloading the boxes too. I wasn't expecting them to be so heavy but I didn't want to give the men the satisfaction of knowing I was struggling. After an hour or so struggling, all three of us managed to successfully bring Hunter's things into his new flat.

I knew my dad was going to stay longer than I wanted to I prepared a lasagna thinking I'd also have a female guest joining us. Whilst Hunter was unpacking in his new room, I set the table and tried to eavesdrop into my dad and Mr Blake's conversation.

"I will ensure he pays you on time on the 3rd of every month. Your daughter seems like a sensible young woman. I feel more relaxed." Mr Blake said with a smile

"Yes, well, it's taken her a long way to get here but she's now a sensible young woman. She will be a good influence on him." I rolled my eyes at his statement before calling everyone to join us for dinner.

After dinner both our fathers said it was essential they got back to the law firm to complete some business. They had two firms, one in Manchester where my dad lived and one in London where Mr Blake lived. Today they both had to go to the one in Manchester for an important work meeting meaning my dad was out of my hair by 5pm.

I started clearing away the dishes as I couldn't stand to have any mess gather. Finally after what felt like the longest day, I collapsed on the couch and with a sigh of relief I switched the TV on. I was ready to binge watch a new show on Netflix just to get my mind off of my new roommate.

"I guess it's just you and me now, princess" a husky voice said and plopped down next to me.

"Don't call me that. Keep out of my space. Your room is yours - stay in there" I seethed.

"No can do, princess. I pay your dad rent and therefore I'm entitled to use shared spaces"

This was going to be torture.

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