Chapter Twenty

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***Back to Harper's P.O.V***

It had been two days since I was cooped inside a prison cell. Despite my pleas that my actions were self-defence, the police officers told me that I wouldn't be let out unless my bail price was met. Hunter and his father had promised me they would find the money from somewhere. Ashton had offered to sell his half of the business to pay for my freedom but that meant that he would lose all this wealth and everything he worked for his whole life. I would rather suffer in here than let what I did ruin the Blake family's life.

Hunter was going out of his mind trying to find ways to ensure that I had my freedom soon but it was all no use. It was only a matter of time before the police found the recordings on all of our phones but I don't know why it was taking them so long. They were prolonging my suffering but apparently since my dad was still lying in a hospital bed unconscious, they had every right to keep me here.

When they told me that I had placed my dad in a coma I had mixed feelings. Part of me wished he had died there and then but I knew his memory would still haunt me for the rest of my life. The other part of me wish the bastard would wake up so he could suffer and live miserably for the rest of his life. I wanted him to rot in prison for what he did to me and I wanted to be there to see the moment he got sent down for the rest of his life. But I was the one in prison. That bastard had the safety of the hospital to look after him.

He was the criminal yet here I was in the vicinity of other criminals for an act I carried out in complete self-defence. I groaned to myself as I turned over on the extremely uncomfortable mattress – I missed my own bed so bad. Hopefully Hunter and Ashton would find a way to get me out of here soon. Savannagh and Jake had been trying everything they could too to help me but they were students like me and it would be impossible for them to raise the bail money to get me out. Neither of them were allowed to visit me since Hunter was taking up every visiting hour that I got – I was happy at the extra time I was allowed to see Hunter but upset that I wasn't able to see my best friends.

"Miss Stewart" an officer's voice interrupted me from my internal thought. I turned around on the bed and met his eyes, my own eyes telling him to continue. "It's your lucky day. Your bail has been met" he smiled softly. Out of all the officers, I knew this one believed me since he was completely kind to me since I got here. That didn't mean I trusted him one bit. The majority of police offers were just wolves dressed in sheep's clothing.

I jumped out of bed grinning and watched him the minute he unlocked my cell indicating for me to follow him and meet me rescuers.

My feet were running before I even realised what I was doing. My eyes landed on Hunter and his dad and I ran to them both. I threw myself at Hunter and wrapped my legs around his waist crying hugging him hard as he lifted me up. I could hear him crying too as he squeezed me tighter then he gently placed me on the ground in between him and his dad. I didn't have time to react before Ashton also wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. We were all emotional,  hardly believing that I had been granted my freedom but then it hit me, I didn't know where they found the money to get me out of here. That didn't matter though, the most important thing was that I was free. I was free to try and get the justice that I deserved.

"Thanks so much" I cried as both Hunter and Ashton pulled me into a shared hug.

"Harp, we didn't do this – we did everything we could but it was someone else that saved you. We tried everything but-" Hunter trailed off.

I felt like my heart had stopped beating when I looked in front of me.

My world was frozen, my head was dizzy and I felt like I was about to faint but I was not going to let myself be weak in this moment.

An overwhelming silence took over the room as I slowly stepped forward and walked towards what my eyes were fixated on. The sound of everyone's breathing was the only thing that filled the room as I picked up my pace. This moment was bittersweet.

I was free and I was glad but this was definitely not what I had expected at all. After two more steps I stopped and looked right at a sight I definitely was not expecting to see. Out of all the ways I imagined me regaining my freedom, this was certainly not one. I could have never imagined the sight in front of me to be real. Part of me thought I was dreaming and that the officers would wake me up for my dinner soon but I knew this was real and I knew I had to face it head first.

I took a deep breath.

I attempted to speak but nothing came out.

Again, I took a deep breath.

This time the words were ready to come out.

"Mum?" I whispered as tears began streaming down my face.

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