Chapter Nine

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Hunter was serious when he had threatened me with telling my dad I had been staying with Jamie. All because I wouldn't get Jamie to leave the flat when Hunter wanted him gone. I don't know if it was jealousy or just pure hatred that made Hunter want Jamie removed from the flat so bad but here we were, a day later and my dad had booked me train tickets to go 'home.' Except, I wasn't going to be meeting or seeing my dad at all. The the scary thing was Hunter didn't realise the damage he was causing... he didn't know how much he was putting me in harms way.

My duffel bag was packed for the week with everything that I would need. I was depressed as fuck thinking that I would be spending the next week away from the first place I had called home in a long time. I wanted to hate Hunter for it but if he didn't call my dad, sooner or later my dad was going to make me come back for a while himself. I checked my bag one last time to make sure I had everything before leaving my room. Hunter had tried to speak to me and offered to ring my dad and say he lied but I just didn't want to acknowledge him. My dad wouldn't believe him after already telling him I was staying with Jamie. Once you tell my dad something then there's no going back.

"Harper, wait" Hunter called out to me before I left the flat.

Sighing I turned around, "Yes, Hunter."

"I hope you'll be okay. I-I regret calling your dad. I really don't know what came over me" Hunter admitted nervously.

"You've no idea what you've done this time" I stared at Hunter blankly.

"I'll come with you. I'll tell him that it was a mistake and you were staying with Savannagh" Hunter offered.

I shook my head at the idea, "He won't allow it. Look Hunter I really have to go. We'll talk about things properly when I get back. Both of us - what happened last week with you and why my dad is clearly an asshole" I offered to see if that would get him off my case.

"But I still don't get to see you for a whole week" he huffed. "I missed you last week, you know and now this week too. What have I done" he sighed running his hands through his hair.

"Yeah, well, you're the one he called my dad"

"I'm sorry, Princess, I really am."

"I really do have to go now" I said as I checked the time on my phone. My train was in half an hour and I needed to walk to the train station which took around twenty minutes from where I lived.

"I'll walk you to the station" Hunter offered.

"It's fine, honestly" I shook my head at the offer. It was clearly getting to Hunter that he thought I'd be spending the next week with my dad. It was much worse.

"Okay but before you go I just need to do something" Hunter said causing me to raise my eyebrows. He walked over to me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before leaning down and softly kissing my lips. I was taken aback by the gentleness in the kiss. That didn't last long though as Hunter started to grow hungry and pried my mouth open to let his tongue in. He pulled away but instead of stopping completely he started kissing along my jaw and neck then would go back to my lips. He eventually pulled away completely and bit my earlobe, "Does Jamie make you wet this quick?" Hunter taunted before giving me one final kiss.

I couldn't ignore the dampness in between my legs. Dampness that was never there when I kissed Jamie. Hunter had an effect on me that I couldn't deny but for the time being I'd have to ignore it. Hunter and I just stared at each other breathlessly before I actually left the flat this time. Jamie and I weren't in any kind of relationship but I still felt guilty for kissing Hunter. The guilt was more down to the fact that I enjoyed kissing Hunter more. Jamie and Hunter hated each other's guts. I felt like I was completely torn between the two. One of them was extremely sweet and caring. The other was an asshole but an asshole that sets something alight in my body that causes fireworks within. I really had to make a choice when I got back. I contemplated texting Jamie and letting him know about the few kisses I shared with Hunter but I decided against it and mentally noted to tell him next time I actually saw him.

"Harper-Rose, are you on the train?" My dads voice echoed through my phone.

"Yes, dad" I sighed.

"Good. I've emailed you the details for the hotel room. I expect to hear from you tomorrow morning" and with that my dad hung up.

I hated him. I really, really hated him. He didn't know what it meant to be a father. He never has nor never will. I had become numb to tears as the years went on but every time my dad sent me out on one of his little expeditions, the tears always came back more freely. How could anyone treat their daughter like this?

The hotel was right beside the train station in Manchester when I had arrived. Check in was quick enough that I didn't have to wait in a queue or wait for a receptionist that couldn't work the system to let me in. I began to get ready for my night ahead. It made me hate my dad even more. I covered my body with an ankle length brown coat with a fur trim. Anyone on the street would know what my job was right away. The job my dad had forced me into from the age of 14.

"Jack Stewart's daughter?" a voice asked. I looked at the black Mercedes in front of me. The window was wound down with a man who looked to be in his early forties. I nodded and he opened the passenger door for me. As soon as I got in his car he undid the belt on my coat to reveal my black lingerie and stockings. I felt sick to my stomach. I'd gone the past two years without having to do this.

"Jack promised me you were a good one" the man said. "Now recline that seat back and open those slutty legs for me."

I did as I was told but turned my face away from him and cried. I never enjoyed this. I hated it. I had nothing against sex work but when your dad forces you into it at the age of 14 then it's human trafficking.

If you haven't figured it out yet my dad had forced me into prostitution. From the age of 14 he had been trafficking me amongst men he knew or clients he found. A lot of them came from his business but something told me Hunter's dad was oblivious to the ordeal or he wouldn't be business partners with him.

I spent all my teenage years being raped by men my dad knew. My dad was being paid to have me raped. It made me sick. The only time he stopped was when I was old enough to move away to uni. He paid for my flat and education as a 'thank you' for the business he had acquired over the past few years. It was disgusting but it was the only way I was going to escape him so I took his offer. Up until tonight I had full control over how I interacted with men. My dad made me promise when I went to uni that I'd never get a boyfriend as it would travel back to him. As a way to make sure I could stay at uni I made the promise but knew that I was going to try and take full control back of my life. He had threatened before to make me meet clients where I was currently living but he decided to let me have freedom at uni.

The tears streamed freely down my face as the man thrust into me one final time, "I love it when I make bitches cry" he said before groaning above me.

How could any dad feel okay knowing they were having their daughter raped?

Not long after the assault took place, I walked back to the hotel and immediately showered and stripped out of the disgusting clothes. I lied when I said I was numb to tears. I was sobbing uncontrollably as the hot water hit my skin. I couldn't do this for a whole week. I needed to get out. I didn't know how I was going to get out of this but I knew that Hunter was the only person that could help me. He got me into this mess so he was going to help me get out of it.

I dialled his number and immediately regretted it as it rang for longer than I expected but he eventually picked up, "everything alright, Princess?" His breathless voice sounded through the phone.

I couldn't speak through the tears. "Princess, I can't hear you. It's windy outside I've gone for a run."

"Help me, Hunter" I cried.

"Where are you?"

I told him my location right away and then he promised he was going to come rescue me that night.

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