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"Hah, what do you want me to do? Let go? Be nice?" Taehyung was still grabbing Jeongguk's arms but the other one on his cheeks had went on to grab the youngers hair.

The older pulled Jeongguk's hair back so he's now looking at him eye to eye.

The boy furrowed his brows at the sudden pull and gasped, "why do you always use violence?? Can't you be nicer?"

Taehyung scoffed at this and whispered, "why do you always start arguments? Can't you just keep it in?"

It's always like this between these two, it always ends in both of them walking out of the locker room all messed up and disheveled.

Jeongguk might look stern and buff but those who are around him everyday will tell you that he's childish and bratty at times. No one knows this better than Taehyung.

Still being pressed against the wall, Jeongguk stuck out his tongue to taunt the older again. Taehyung glared and closed their distance and bit the youngers tongue, hard. The verbal fight was now silenced and all that's heard is Jeongguk's groans as Taehyung pulled him back into a kiss.

The older almost smiled into the kiss when he tasted the metallic of the cut on the youngers tongue.

Jeongguk tried to pull away out of breath but with the grasp tight on his hair and arm along with his back to the lockers there isn't anywhere he could escape to.

The forceful invasion was now moist and breathy with a hint of blood. Everytime the boy tried pushing away Taehyung would grasp tighter at his hair leaving him to groan into the kiss.

Their tongues twirled into fights as Taehyung dominated leaving the youngers knee feeling numb. As they kept going at this Jeongguk placed his free arm on the olders shoulder to refrain his legs from giving out.

The kiss had gotten gradually messier as Jeongguk gave in. Taehyung released the grasp of the youngers hair and was now supporting him by the waist.

When saliva starts dripping Taehyung pulled away to see the boys numb and out of it expression looking back at him, mouth still agape.

Taehyung then lowered his head and bit down hard on the Jeongguk's neck causing the youngers eyes to widen and tear up before he kicked up at the olders nuTs. ("Hee-hee" - Michael Jackson 1976)

This caused Taehyung to release his hold on the younger and kneel down, grasping his manhood in pain. (How's he gonna make babies now? We don't know) Jeongguk took this opportunity to cup his neck and run out of the locker room.

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