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Soon the bar opened and at first only a couple people walked in but when it hit 8:00pm the place was packed. Lee was doing well as a bartender and Taehyung just really wish he'd mess up someone's drink but that never happened. He also could hardly see Jeongguk but he should be further in the bar while he was near the entrance.

As Taehyung was sitting there sipping on his colored water, because no drinking he heard a familiar voice. He slowly turned his head to see two girls overly dressed to impress. He immediately looked down at one of the girls arms, 'same tattoo.'

The girl with the tattoo walked deeper into the bar while the other one walked towards the bartenders. Taehyung quickly tapped his ear piece behind his ear and whispered, "both girls spotted." He had hoped to hear more than just a "Kay" from Jeongguk but guess their little argument or whatever was more serious than he though. But like why is Lee coming to Busan important anyways.

The older continued to sip on his tasteless drink when a blond hair girl shuffled her way over to him, "hello, you alone?" She chimed in a seductive voice and Taehyung just nodded. She smiled and sat uncomfortably close to him, all the man could smell was her strong perfume. The girl twirled her hair with her fingers and introduced herself, "you can call me Lee, what's your name?"

"Lee?" Taehyung choked out in shock and 'Lee' cocked her head in confusion. 'Bro why is everything annoying a Lee??'

The older scooted further away and muttered, "actually I'm not alone, my girlfriends coming soon."

The girl just gave him the most, 'WTF' face and walked off pouting. Sighing he turned his attention back to the girl near Lee(the OG Lee). She was chatting with a younger man, but Taehyung saw that under the table she handed something to him. The substance was white and powered form, and being suspicious about it definitely means it's not salt or flour.

'This is boring' Taehyung thought, he had really hope that the big fish doesn't arrive when the bar is about to close because that'll suck balls, he's practically falling asleep, sitting there by himself with a jar of water.

Taehyung had noticed that Lee walked to the back for a second and heard his ear piece beep, 'Taehyung, if you see the trafficker just let me know, I have a button at the bottom of my counter that'll inform the team in Busan. Once you've told me please take Jeonggukie and go." Soon after Lee returned out with a bottle of liquor to place onto the shelves.

The older scowls and quietly said, "yeah yeah." 'Who does he think he is calling-'

His thought was interrupted when the girl he was watching jumped up from her seat and ran over to a man in the entrance screaming, "BABY!" Taehyung quickly pulled out his phone and looked at the imagine of the trafficker, height and appearance had all matched up. He quickly stood up nonchalantly and stretched while whispering into his earpiece, "he's at the entrance, 5'8, tattooed with the girl in the bright yellow dress."

He looked over to Lee who excused himself from the guest at the counter and went into the closet, "got it, grab Guk and go, I've got the rest."

Taehyung cracked his neck and yawned tapping his earpiece twice, "Jeongguk we gotta go." But after hearing no response he wandered to the back slowly just to see the boy completely knocked out near the girl he wasn't watching and her friends, including that Lee girl.

'Ok Taehyung, make something up... uh his girlfriend is at the hospital? His mom called the cops on him?' The man groaned and sped walk over to the boy, "sorry guys I have to get this guy and go, haha..." all of the girls sitting there whined, "but why? You're ruining our fun!" And the Lee girl commented, "but isn't your girlfriend here?" Which the older just ignored. Just then a dude from around them sat up and started walking towards the group, he looked vaguely familiar. Extremely similar to one of the guards with the two girls that day when they were shopping.

Taehyung quickly stammered out, "well you see, he ran away from home and his mom just called the cops to find him...his mom called me and I need to bring him home..." all of them froze, it was almost like the word 'cops' scared them because all of them quickly moved to the side for Taehyung to grabbed the boy, "uh take him then... and just saying this wasn't our fault." The man was confused at the last part but just allowed it to slip his mind.

And like that the two of them dipped out of the bar, well with Taehyung dragging Jeongguk that is. While the older was supporting the boy up and bringing him towards his car the boy turned to face the older before smiling. And puking. All over both of them. "Guk you...!"

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