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Taehyung didn't want to be mean as the boy was finally quiet, but then again he wanted the bed. So the older walked over to the bed, lifted the blanket and pushed Jeongguk off the bed. "Much better."

Jeongguk was shocked awake, gasping when he found out that he was on the floor. When he climbed back up, what he saw wasn't a ghost that had pushed him but worst. It was Taehyung, sleeping in his spot.

The younger tried yanking the blanket off Taehyung but it was not working. The older was a lot stronger and with the boy just woken up he was still a little queasy. Knowing that this is his only day off he just clumsily climbed back on to the bed and laid back down. There is no time to argue when you're gonna have to be on top of your shit tomorrow.

Taehyung on the other hand didn't like having some random person taking up his space. The older pulled Jeongguk by his collar and told him to get out of the bed, but the younger being half asleep, tired and stress of the situation ended up tearing up a little. It wasn't because he was sad, looking at Taehyung's face just made him upset and when he's tired and upset he just gets emotional. (Me too, when I look at someone whose good looking, I also wanna cry)

The older released the grasp on the boys collar causing the his head to drop back into his pillow. Jeongguk not wanting to make Taehyung angry anymore because he's tired remembered when the older said his voice was annoying and just sniffles turning his head away from the older.

Surprised at the lack of reaction, Taehyung got bored and decided to be the one to mess with the boy instead. He got on top of the sniffing Jeongguk and grabbed his cheeks for them to make eye contact. "You upset?"

The younger was so over it and ended up just nodding while tears flowed down his cheeks.

"Why aren't you talking?" Taehyung sounded stern and angry which horrified Jeongguk to the core, no one scares him like the older does. Jeongguk refused to talk and so Taehyung used his free hand to force the boys mouth open.

It started with his pulling his lips apart, then his teeth and now Taehyung got two fingers inside the youngers mouth.

With how long Taehyung's fingers were, Jeongguk was gagging at some points. The boys saliva was dripping down the corners of his mouth and breathing hard, not to mention he was now fully in tears.

Taehyung smiled a little and whispered, "it's hot when you cry."

(I like how I'm making Taehyung seem so evil :,D I'm sorrryyyy) (and I'm just like bullying goo umu)

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