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"Stop that! Just go get ready, I wanna visit places," Jeongguk inched away and placed the flattened cardboard box next to the front door.

"Hey Guk," Taehyung lazily groaned as he stood up from the couch, the boy turned from where he was and replied nonchalantly, "what is it?"

The older scratched his head and was ready to say something but ended up changing his mind, "it's nothing, nevermind... I'll get ready." Taehyung wore the turtle neck that was bought for this specific occasion and a pair of ripped jeans with a long trench coat, while Jeongguk on the other hand had on a large gray sweater and a pair of denim jeans.

When the boy was about to walk out the apartment Taehyung commented, "are you trying to catch a cold and show your neck to the whole world?" Immediately the boys hands reached to cups his neck, "oh! I forgot! You have a really good memory hyung." The really good memory was literally common sense. But Jeongguk lacked that so it was understandable.

He quickly puts on a vintage like black denim jacket and looked around for his scarf, the older walked over to the couch and found it laying there and breathed out a sigh, 'if his head isn't attached to his neck it would've been gone.'

"Buns come here," the man waved his hands and lifted up the chunky fabric. The boy ultimately impressed with how Taehyung found it so fast bounced over and stood in front of the older.

Taehyung furrowed his brows confused and asked, "why aren't you taking it?"

Jeongguk pouted slightly disappointed and reply, "well I thought you were gonna put it on for me..." how can someone be so useless with daily activities and have no living skills yet be so charming? Taehyung doesn't know but just took in a deep breath and started to wrap the scarf around the boy.

Fluffing the fabric out, the man made sure it covered everything and pinched the boys cheeks before exclaiming, "Ok now we're ready." Soon they left the apartment with Taehyung following the boy down the steep stairs. 'I'll probably miss these stairs' the older thought as he cautiously made his way down.

When they had arrived at the parking lot,  Jeongguk ran towards Taehyung's car happily and waited patiently for the older to walk over. Even after seeing the boy speed of, the man just walked at his normal pace.

Jeongguk today decided he wanted to sit in front and not the back like always. The first thing the boy wanted was actually food and their drive was long so the younger offered to put on some music. "STB?" Taehyung questioned when he heard the first song echo through his car.

The younger happily shook back and forth in the car seat and nodded, "yeah how did you know??" The older knew he had remembered correctly and muttered out, "I hear you singing their songs in the shower, so I guess I have parts of it memorized."

Jeongguk's face turned to a shade of rose and he shifted his head to look out the side window.  The man glanced over and smiled, "Haha... you don't have to be embarrassed you know? People like what they like... I also like your voice, it's almost, how would you say it... therapeutic?"

Seeing that the reaction from Taehyung wasn't his normal negativity, it gave the boy some confidence and through out the ride he sang some of the songs and when the older knew the parts he'd also hum along. "Hyung I like your voice, it's really smooth."

The man smirked a little and accepted the compliment, "thanks, your voice was pretty smooth yesterday too."

After that comment a few seconds of silence was held in the car before Jeongguk spoke up, "I-I fell asleep.. didn't I?" Focusing on the road ahead Taehyung nodded, "you left little me hanging, but you were being cute so I'll let it slide."

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