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Taehyung covered his face with his hands exaggeratedly and spewed out, "Jeonggukie, I cant believe you're saying such embarrassing words to me. Are you trying to seduce little me?"

The boy looked down on the mans length and looked back up at him, "this coming from someone who stuck their fingers up my ass and now has a boner is rich." The older sighed and again reached over to his cupboard and pulled two bottles out, "do you prefer strawberry or scent less? I prefer str—"

"Scentless," the boy quickly grabbed the simple looking bottle over the one that was decorated with hearts and strawberries before he squeezed some onto his palms and got out of the tub. He plopped himself down onto a random carpet and slid his fingers in. Slowly and steadily he did what he had to quietly but after a while, Taehyung who was still in the water groaned, "hey... can't you do that facing me and not facing the door?" in a trembling voice Jeongguk moaned out an, "it's embarrassing..." before he got up and walked back towards the tub with lube now running down his legs, then slowly climbing in.

"Ok why don't you rest against the edge of the tub and lift your ass up?" Taehyung suggested as he grabbed the bottle of lube and squeezed it onto the latex wrapped around his member. Shyly, Jeongguk did just as he was told, "ok."

Before long, the younger felt the olders tip rubbed against his entrance and gulped, "can't believe girls do this, props to the— ah! YOU CANT JUST PUSH IN WHILE IM MID DIALOGUE!" Taehyung shifted close to Jeongguk's neck and planted several kisses, "sorry~ I'll start moving now, ok?"

Ears red, the boy nods and so the man began moving. Slowly at first but when he started to hear the youngers voice fill the room, Taehyung couldn't control the excitement within himself therefore thrusting faster. Jeongguk on the other hand didn't expect the change in speed and subconsciously squeezed down.

Feeling this, the older groaned into the boys ears, "don't just squeeze down on people like that baby." His breath was hot as it caressed against the youngers skin causing him to shiver slightly and turn his head towards the male. "Kiss?"

Taehyung chuckles and obliged.

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