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Taehyung grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it away from his chest as to not let the wetness of the puke touch him. "Jeongguk if I didn't know you, I would've just knocked you out."

Due to the older letting go of the boy, Jeongguk stumbles a little and falls onto his lil bum (uu, I've away wanted to write 'lil bum', dreams do come true) and pouts, "yor a copppp, yew can't doo tatt!"

So now Taehyung is dealing with a disgusting shirt, well two disgusting shirts and Jeongguk being a baby on the pavement. "Ugh... come on, stand up I have a hoodie in my car..." the boy scowls his little scowl and tried standing up but half way up fell again.

Once returning to the floor Jeongguk blinked and looked back up at Taehyung before saying, "I fell. I fellllll!" The older stared down at him in disbelief, "you fell yourself, so why are you crying??" The older looked around and spots his car not not too far away, "ok Guk why don't you sit here and wait for me while you uh cry?" Not waiting for a response he pulled off his shirt and sprinted towards his car.

Soon the older returned back to Jeongguk no longer topless but with a clean tshirt on. But the boy on the other hand was now crying and laying on the floor, yelling at the ground, "yew maade me fwall!!" Taehyung being as grown as he was never felt so helpless before, like how does one take care of a drunk Jeongguk that's arguing with pavement?

Taehyung pulled Jeongguk up forcefully and started to strip his top, "lift your arms." Still wobbly but the younger listened and did as he was told, "is hot, em sweatinggg..!" Once the shirt was off the older indeed notice how much the boy was sweating, the weather is pretty chilly which was the reason why Taehyung chose to wear the tshirt and left the hoodie for the younger, but seeing how it was now the hoodie wouldn't do.

"Here hold this Guk." Taehyung shoved the hoodie at Jeongguk before pulling the t-shirt off himself and pulling it over the boy, and him himself wore the hoodie. Something was off, the older brushed his palms against the boys forehead and cheeks, "why are you so warm? What did you drink??"

Jeongguk smacked his lips a little and almost fell forward before Taehyung caught him, "come to think of it you don't really smell like alcohol...how're you this drunk?"

" oh whatever, if anyone sees us on the streets like this they'd think we're on drugs,  come on put your arms around my shoulder."

Somehow they ended back to Taehyung's car and the older had to forcefully push the boy into the backseat because Jeongguk wanted to 'drive'. Making sure to seatbelt him in the man could finally started driving. On the way back he would occasionally look back at the boy through the rear view mirror every time he complained about being sweaty or weird.

When they were back at the apartment Taehyung guided Jeongguk to bathroom, "shower ok?" The boy nodded and wandered in.

The man sat on the couch and sniffed himself, "stinks." He tousled through his hair before hearing a loud "THUD" come from the bathroom.

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