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(Lil note: Hi guys I've recently gotten more readers on this book, I just want to say that I'm very thankful for the reads, votes and comments! Also earlier today this book was #1 on taekook which got me pretty excited [it didn't last long but still, thank you!] since more people are reading it, I sometimes feel nervous about posting chapters since my grammar isn't very good [ive never been good at writing] but reading comments left on chapters really pumps me up to write more! I've gotten to a point where I remember some of the users [?] that interact with this on a regular! Again I just want to say thank you <3)

Taehyung grabbed onto the youngers hand quickly and they started to walk deeper into the building. The older though was more or less hiding behind the boy the whole time. The deeper they walked the less lights were lighting up their surrounding and Jeongguk felt the grip on his tighten. "Are you ok?"

The older who was trying to save face quickly stammered out, "I'm ok, don't worr— HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT, GUK LOOK!" just as he had started, a puppet like object flung out of the ceiling leaving the oh so calm Taehyung quaking in his boots. Jeongguk chuckled and reassured the male that it was only a puppet and nothing more. The deeper they went, the slower the older seemed to walk and it came to a point where the younger felt like he was pulling a sack of potatoes. But either way, screams from the man was being thrown out time to time, if they weren't in a haunted house those screams could cause someone to think ones being slaughtered.

The interior of the building smelled like rust and in the darkness actors would pop up here and there, none of which even came close to leaving the boy frighten. But Taehyung seemed to be on the verge of shitting himself, screaming out some of the dumbest things. He just couldn't help it, being in a place like this made him feel watched or followed. But honestly who in the world would go, "FUCKING LEFT TITTY SHIT!" After being scared by a balloon? Only Taehyung.

By the time they were near the exit, the older was as pale as a ghost while Jeongguk was fine. But his cloths? His cloths were all ruffled up from the males pulling and grasps at him due to fear. When they had reached the door with the huge word, "EXIT." On it, Taehyung quickly pushed it open to be congratulated by a group of employees. Their personal belongings were on a rack while the stuffed rabbit was resting atop a long table.

"Good job! Thank you for visiting our haunted house!" Cheered one of the employees and Taehyung sighed in relief.

While putting on their jackets one of the male staff walked up to the two with two stickers that read, "I conquered (insert haunted house name) haunted house!" The older thanked him, whilst still a little shaken up and commended their actors along with usage of the string puppet.

The staffs eyebrows scrunched and he cocked his head to the side, "uh sir thanks but we don't have string puppets..." hearing this caused goosebumps to form on the olders skin and if not for Jeongguk nudging him, he would've been frozen there forever.

The two again thanked the staff and called it a day.

When they were back in the car Jeongguk laughed, "that was fun but your reactions were very entertaining haha!" Taehyung groaned and just swiped his hair back, "we're never doing that again." And with that he peeled the backing off the sticker he had received and stuck it to the boys forehead.

Jeongguk pouted and carefully peeled it off himself and examined it while Taehyung pulled the car into drive, "hey hyung, can I stick this on the window?" The boy pointed his finger at the passenger side window and smiled.

The olders car was around $40,000 (₩48,792,000) while that little sticker the boy was holding could worth no more than $0.50 but seeing how happy and proud he was Taehyung reluctantly allowed him to do so. "Sure go ahead."

As the drive went on Jeongguk looked around the car curiously causing the male to ask, "you lookin for something?" The younger nodded still looked around and answered, "yeah, hyung do you have a pen or marker?"

Taehyung choked and stammered out, "are you planning to color my car in??" Jeongguk laughed and reassured him that he wasn't, "no! I just want to write something on it so people know that we went there together..." feeling relieved that the boy wasn't that ignorant he told him to check the glove compartment and indeed there was a sharpie in there.

"Jeonggukie' s sticker" the boy hummed as he began to scribble those words in precisely.

Taehyung chuckled as he focuses on the road and mentions, "buns that's my sticker, shouldn't it say 'taehyungie's sticker' instead?" The boy turned himself to face the man and chimed, "well you stuck it to my forehead so it's mine now!"

Taehyung smiled fondly at Jeongguk's thought process and retorted, "Well, I've kissed your forehead before. Does that make me yours too?"

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