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(I'm getting a little frustrated because sometimes when I write I would close the app for a break and I know it saved because at the top it'll tell me "saved" the. I'll open the app back just to see what was originally 600 words become 400 words, this had happened for the chapter 2 and 3 on this book :/. But anyways rant aside I hope this story is going well, I'll be updating BODYGUARD soon aswell uu!!)

Jeongguk thanked the driver and pulled out his luggage from the back before reading the address on the slip from yesterday. "Ok... it's here but why does it look like I can get killed if don't watch my back around here..."

Jeongguk reluctantly pulled his luggage up the stairs because there isn't an elevator available, 'why is our branch so cheap man??' The younger made sure to bring everything he needed, EVERYTHING. You know that cute alarm your mom bought you when you were younger and is collecting dust somewhere? The boy brought that with him. You know that pair of glasses you've got but isn't your prescription? He's got that with his. Oh and let's not forget his weights, the boys main concern of leaving home is if he could stay fit. Therefore he had brought his weights with him as well.

Finally when he had gotten to the 5th floor he flipped the piece of paper out again, "ok apt. 23," he had walked a little before he finally saw the door number.

Rummaging through his pockets he grabbed the random key that was in there and jammed it into the door knob. When the boy had entered the apartment he quietly slammed the door just in case it'll fall off because this whole building might as well just collapse due how poorly maintain it is.

Jeongguk was ready to collapse, the four hour ride in a car was not worth it, especially when the driver just went on and on about how Busan was so great. The boy only wanted to sleep on the ride but was unable to and besides he grew up here.

He dragged his luggage into the apartment when he saw someone leaning on the coach.

'Who is that...? Wow first job in Busan and I might be in someone else's apartment, no... this is apartment 23,  THEYYY are in the wrong apartment!'   The boy slowly walked towards the couch to see Taehyung, eyes close, most likely asleep.

'Wow is he really so stupid that he had entered my apartment?' The younger boy cocked his head to the side before he came up with the brilliant idea.

'I should smack him on the head :D'

Jeongguk slowly walked up to the older and swung his arm.But before it had landed on the others head, Taehyung's eyes opened and feeling danger, his arms immediately pulled out the pistol and pointed at the younger.

'Haha bad idea...' Jeongguk thought as his could've been smack has been stopped mid slap and now had a gun pointed at him.

Taehyung's eyes finally went into focus and noticed it was only their local idiot and asked, "what the fuck are you doing here?"

Jeongguk was dumbfounded by this because, 'what do you mean what I'm doing here??? This is clearly MY room!' So he put his thoughts into words and countered, "you ugly asshole, what do you mean?? This is my room, and your sleeping on my couch! Now I'm gonna have to disinfect it cause you're such a roach."

After what was said the younger thought again, 'wait that want what I thought I was gonna say... well whatever he deserved it!'

Taehyung pulled out his form which clearly stated, 'apartment 23, 5th floor'.

(If there's any typos or spelling mistakes please ignore them :o!!)

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