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Not to lie but this might just be the best the older had slept. Well excluding the saliva part of course. But he enjoys the others warmth and Jeongguk on the other hand just likes curling up into someone.

So just like that, their sleeping arrangement was set. (I'm sorry I just love little spoon goo)

Both of their feet were hanging off the bed and Jeongguk shuffled his body over to face Taehyung who still had his arms around him and asked, "why don't you put the slippers on :D, we can match, you know... just for today."

The older hummed, "yeah let's match for today."

Their 'today' was short, as when they returned from the mall it was already 7:00pm.

So no bullying Jeongguk day is only 5 hours long.

Taehyung stood up and looked over at the boy who was still laying on the bed, "where's the bag?"

Jeongguk flipped over onto his back and giggled, "you'll have to find it c:."

(I imagine that Tae has the ^^ smile and Goo has the c: smile, lol.)

The older turned around and smiled angrily before tackling the the boy with tickles because he can't show his anger today. He can't yank the boy by his hair just to ask where to goddamn slippers were.

So tickling it was.

The boy started laughing and eventually laughing and crying. Finally having enough Jeongguk bursted out, "ok your luggage! It's in your luggage."

In contrast to how cute the younger looked in the slippers, Taehyung found himself looking idiotic. Imagine a buff, intimidating, grown man in some bunny slippers.

Jeongguk on the other hand just looked like the slipper. Big eyes and rabbit like teeth.

As Taehyung checked how he looked in the tall mirror, the boy finally got up from the bed.

"Cute." The boy edged to the corner of the mirror and smiled and stuck his leg out.

"Now we match!" Jeongguk tilted his head happily while looking into the mirror.

Taehyung looked down at the younger and genuinely smiled, "your pretty childish hah."

Jeongguk made an exaggerated gasp shook his head, "I'm mature! Look we have the same job, so I'm as mature as you are :D."

And with that Taehyung just nodded with a "mhmm" before walking to the couch, "what do you want to eat? I'll pay."

Following the older, he too sat down on the couch next to him, "hmmm... I want pizza." Taehyung laughs and nods again, "you remind me of a college student."

After ordering and eating, the two of them chatted and actually got to know each other and for once communicated in a civil manner. Unlike their usual fights or arguments.

During this experience Taehyung got to clearly look at the youngers face and body movements. The older particularly found the minor bouncing up and down entertaining when he's excited causing Taehyung to look forward to this every time they change to a new topic.

Their conversation lasted for a pretty long time yet ended when Jeongguk got a phone call from Lee, not wanting to interrupt, Taehyung stood up and told the boy that he'll shower first.

When he was heading towards the bathroom he couldn't help but feel weird. Maybe distaste? Who knows. Any who when he was done showering he changed into his pajamas and slipped into the newly purchased slippers. (This might be my house but I have slippers when I shower and slippers when I'm not in the bathroom? Like my normal one is fluffy while my other is made of rubber :o)

When he had left the bathroom to the bedroom, Jeongguk was just plopped onto the bed looking at his phone. Taehyung was curious and sat down asking, "what's got you so entranced?"

Jeongguk rolled himself towards the older and showed him his phone, "look what Lee sent me! He recently adopted two bunnies!! He doesn't know what to name them yet but he's gonna update me on their lives hehe!"

'Lee, again.'

"You like rabbits?" Taehyung asked as he played with the youngers hair. Jeongguk still staring at the video on his phone not caring hummed a "yes".

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