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Jeongguk rushed back to his own cubicle and started to straighten out his cloths, "that jerk..."

His seat mate peeked his head out chuckling and asked, "why do you guys always fight in there? haha," Jeongguk sighed and optimistically exclaimed, "well that doesn't matter, what matters is I won.

And just then Taehyung walked out the locker back to his seat looking fine. The officers that was talking to Jeongguk looked a little puzzled and asked, "well you always say that but every time you walk out, you're a mess, disheveled, messed up hair, and sometime bloody... officer Kim on the other hand just looks the same way he walked in. You sure you won?"

Jeongguk completely forgot about his hair and turned in his front camera to fix it while replying, "cmon believe me, that's why I left before him, I kicked him in the balls hahaha..." the boys whispered the last part and his seat mate gasped, "that's a dirty move... how can you do that to another man???"

The younger simply smirked a prideful smile before closing his front camera, "well dear friend I'm heading to the toileT."

"Restroom, you mean the restroom." his friendly officer sighs.

Officer Lee, Jeongguk's seat mate was more or less the only one the boy actually talks to and other than that he'll only speak to you if needed.

Jeongguk walked into the restroom and pulled down his collar. The bite mark Taehyung had left was filled with some red and purple but no blood was drawn. He took a paper towel and wetted it to cool his neck before sticking out his tongue. "That fucker..."

He had a bump on his tongue that was created when Taehyung bit him and this irritated the younger, 'why can't we just scream it out instead of using violence. That ugly bastard. Well he's not ugly but... ugh whatever.'

Before the day had ended both the boys were asked to return to the bosses office.

They both greeted the boss and Jeongguk sat down on the couch while Taehyung stood, "ok so the case you guys will be following is of a drug trafficker. They are currently located in Busan and I'll need you guys to go undercover." The boss flipped over the paper and started circling some things and turned the paper over to show both officers.

" ok first thing tomorrow you both can travel to Busan and we've already arranged your living situation, it'll be for 2 weeks. We don't expect you to find the trafficker, we just need you two to track them down."

The paper showed the address of their living space and areas for them to check out including part of the law breakers face.

The two nodded and both took a copy of information before saying goodbye to their boss.

Taehyung and Jeongguk left the office and the same time but like always Jeongguk ran once the door of the office was closed. He would rush down the hall way and scream, "I won again!! Haha you're slow!"

The older wouldn't pay him no mind and put his AIR POD SECOND GENERATION BY APPLE in his ears to drown out this sound. Jeongguk would just get angry but knowing him and Taehyung are alone he doesn't dare to taunt a second time.

The next morning both officers got ready in their own houses, Taehyung drove to Busan while Jeongguk took a cab. They were told that they only needed one car so Taehyung offered. (Car to Busan 2020)

Taehyung got there earlier and as the paper said he went to the apartment that was provided based on the address. The door was openable with the key so it had to be this one.

He sat on the coach and placed his phone in his back pocket near his pistol, the older felt drowsy so he closed his eyes, guessing that the younger would call him when he himself had arrived at his own apartment Taehyung drifted off.

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