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The boy smiled sadly at Taehyung's comment and stopped talking after that. It remained like that for the whole day. Even after when they had eaten at a restaurant the younger seemed down. He was so jittery and energetic today but his mood had a sudden change since the olders sly remark.

When they were almost back at the apartment, Taehyung gritted his teeth and questioned, "is something wrong? You've been down for awhile?" Jeongguk just looked at the sticker on the window and caressed it while shaking his head. Something was off and the older knew that, but just what was wrong?

Even when they were back at the apartment the younger didn't as much as squeak out a single word. He placed the stuffed toy on the bed and walked into the bathroom. As much as Taehyung hated to admit this, he didn't like seeing Jeongguk gloomy. He had also never seen the boy act this way before so how was he supposed to deal with this?

He sat himself down on the bed and heard the shower turn on, unlike the other times, Jeongguk didn't sing. This might seem like something small but it really messed with the males head because this wasn't the norm. The joy of hearing the younger sing or at least hum in shower wasn't there. Taehyung sat on the bed and waited for Jeongguk to come out so they could talk but when the boy walked out he immediately muttered, "I'm gonna sleep... so you should shower." The man wasn't even given a chance to talk before the younger laid down on his own side of the bed.

All the older could do was just take a shower, sleep and hope they could talk tomorrow morning. Once Taehyung entered the bathroom and Jeongguk heard the click of the door he lets out a sigh. He didn't know what to feel, being with the older was blissful yet so agonizing at the same time. The way he could just so easily joke with his emotions without even blinking an eye caused the boys chest to ache. Being alone in the room he was left to think about all the happy times that's would vanish once they return to Seoul.

Jeongguk felt himself tearing up but tried to hold it in, he knew Taehyung was the playful type and what he had done all this time could've been something he did with everyone. He alone was the one being attached. He turned and shifted towards Taehyung's side of the bed and came face to face with the plush, slowly he grasped onto it, pulling it close and sticking his face deep into its stomach.

After awhile Taehyung stepped out of the shower and saw that the boy was asleep so he turned the lights off and slowly hopped into bed carefully as to not wake the boy. But once his head had hit the pillow he could hear the small hidden sniffles coming from the boy, "Guk?"

The older sat up and lightly pulled the plush out of the younger's arm and saw the mess that was Jeongguk's face. Taehyung quickly took the tissue box from beside the bed and began wiping the youngers cheeks and worriedly asked, "what's wrong? Does something hurt?"

Hyperventilating and still crying Jeongguk choked out, "please stop this... please stop leading me on. If you keep doing this and being so nice I might just think you have feelings for me..." the younger who was still laying on the bed had now hid his face in his sleeves and continued to whimper. Taehyung didn't know what to do, does he confess? Does he calm him down first? Slowly the older started to pat the boys back and tried calming him down, "come on don't think like that... I never meant to lead you on, buns look at me please..."

The boy rubbed his face with his sleeves and sat up slowly, tears still streaming down him cheeks but he was desperate to stop. Jeongguk sniffed and continued to wipe the tears off his face till Taehyung lightly moved his wrist to dab his tears away with the tissues he had, "it's bad to rub your eyes too hard, they'll be sore... I'll get a towel, let's talk about this tomorrow when you've gotten some sleep ok?"

Hurriedly Taehyung rushed to the bathroom and wetted a towel with hot water and returned back to the bed, he patted the spot in front of him deliberately for the younger to come over. Almost like second nature, Jeongguk crawled over to the edge of the bed still sniffling. The older carefully wiped the boys faces making sure he wasn't exerting too much force.

Jeongguk laid back down on the bed almost as if he had used all of his remaining strength of the day to cry. The man sat down next to the younger and stayed there slowly caressing the boys hair till he fell asleep. Only then did he feel comfortable to lay back down and close his eyes, 'man today started off so well... I might just have to tell him tomorrow...'

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