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Taehyung quickly pulled his phone out and was about to look through it when Jeongguk grabbed the device. He was face to face with the older in the position he was sitting at and pouted, "if you won't tell me then at least give me a hint, whose that person?"

Eyeing his phone, Taehyung sighed and muttered, "well they're a real piece of work and 's pretty wild."

Jeongguk scrunched up his face and insisted, "awhhh cmon that's not enough informationnn!! What's their hair like? Long? Straight?? Curly? Must be curly... since you like that, are they cute? CUTE OR SEXY?? TELL MEEEE!"

Taehyung felt himself about to burst from laughter because of how gullible the boy on him was, he breathed out calmly and comment, "well-"

*KNOCK KNOCK* "hello this is food delivery!"

"Ah Jeongguk get off for a second I'll go open the door," but instead the boy shook his head and hopped off, "it's fine I'll get it."

Taehyung nodded and leaned back on the couch yawning, 'we have to find a way to cover our necks- WAIT JEONGGUK-'

The older quickly rushed towards the boy and gasped, "Jeongguk don't open the door, your neck-" but it was too late, the door was now opened and the boy paused.

Jeongguk who heard Taehyung's panic was now also panicking within but reluctantly smiled at the food service employee who eyed the boys neck and also looked behind him at the older. Jeongguk greeted the man who blinked quickly and returned his attention back at the boy who had the door opened, " uh... t-this is your order sir... have a nice day!"

Jeongguk offered his hands out and took the bags before the employee quickly bowed and dipped outa there. The younger gulped and turned back to look at Taehyung. The boy was wearing an extra large t-shirt with part of his shoulder exposed, hair messy and poofy from sleeping, neck decorated with dummy hickeys, and eyes red from crying. AND a man standing behind him also with hickeys on his neck. This painted a very nsfw image for the employee and Taehyung was the only one who caught that. The younger on the other hand just thought the employee must have thought he got choked out or something.

Once the door was closed Taehyung calmly walked up to the boy and sighed loudly before taking the food from his hands, Jeongguk on the other hand was wide eyed still. He had no idea how he looks right now. Oh how the older was doing all he could to hold himself back.

Taehyung waved for the boy to come over and took out the food, "I got you a muffin aswell." Hearing this Jeongguk quickly hopped over and sat down near the table. After eating they lazed around, "hey hyung, I think we should go out or something. I want to visit some places, it's been a while since I've been to Busan."

The man looked up from his phone and chuckled, "well we'd have to get a scarve or a turtle neck, we'll at least one of us will need one since no one would know those hickeys were from either one of us if only one of us have it showing."

Jeongguk quickly nodded and waddle his little way over to Taehyung and sat down, "I'll order a turtle neck for you then, I'll just get a scarve." They scrolled through online shops until the older agreed on a plain black turtle neck and Jeongguk on the other hand  picked a black scarve.

"Wtf, express shipping is $50... ugh whatever, I'll do anything at this point to go and explore." Jeongguk laid his head down on Taehyung lap and pressed, 'order'

The older looked down and started playing with the boys hair, "they mainly have curly hair, and it's pretty long. They also can give off both a cute and sexy vibes."

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