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Jeongguk was taken aback and cupped his chest securely, "you wish— I'll never do that, imagine the piercing just rubbing against clothing... I- no."

The older chuckled and pulled the boy into his grasp, lifting him on top of his legs was surprisingly simple when part of him was under water, "that's a bummer..." (I swear guks gonna get his nips pierce in some other story I write in the future) With the position the two of them are in, Jeongguk was able to look down at Taehyung which got the baby a little cocky, "why don't you do it hyung? Since yours nipple don't react to anything?" Sly as ever the boy suggested.

Tilting his head back to rest on the tub, Taehyung chimed, "I'll get one pierced if you get both done." The younger sighs in disappointment and shook his head, "no way... I don't want them to be more sensitive... ugh I just wish they were normal."

Taehyung lifted his head back up and pressed his chin onto the boys nape, "no, I like them like this..." before he bit down lightly. The marks from a couple of days ago have not faded fully just yet causing Jeongguk to panic. The boy pulled away quickly and groaned a little, "hyung, you're gonna make it worst..." not listening to what he had to say, the man pulled him back with his waist and just continue. Trailing from his nape, down to his collar bone and finally to the younger chest.

Lightly at first he licked the boys nipples, as his hands were wrapped around the boys slender waist, he could feel the shivers. Finding this amusing as always, Taehyung now began to suck on them forcefully. The younger who had for all this time tried his best to hold onto his sounds finally broke and allowed a sloppy moan to escape. This got the man riled up so he therefore bit down. Feeling the flinches and shivers of Jeongguk's body, Taehyung's hands trailed down to the boys buttocks and fondled them gently.

Finally lifting his head from the youngers chest, Taehyung saw the redness of the boys face and his captivating half lidded eyes. Pulling the boy in by wrapping his free hand behind his neck, he didn't expect Jeongguk to take initiative and kiss first. The boy was greedily trying to devour the olders mouth while out of nowhere began grinding down onto the mans length. Unknowingly the hand that was fondling the youngers behind slid a finger in. Twirling and massaging his insides slowly before adding another.

Trying to suppress his moans, Jeongguk parted from the olders lips before whimpering out, "it feels weird..."

At this point the older who was spreading his two long fingers within the boy chuckled, "I'm sorry, but it'll be better later ok?" Seeing that the younger nodded, Taehyung continued. He made sure that Jeongguk was well prepped and reach his arms over to a nearby metal drawer and fished out a condom, "this time I have one."

Staring at the foil like plastic square in the olders hands got the younger nervous, he looked down at the mans shaft and gulped, "how will that fit? I've never done this before..."

Ripping the condom wrapper open, and adjusting the thin layer of latex onto himself, Taehyung casually replied, "well I've never done it with a man but I'm sure it'll be the same process for me... but I'm not sure how you'll feel."

'Wow thanks so much! That was so informative!' Jeongguk thought sarcastically before asking, "do you have lube? I'll finger myself a little more... just in case."

( recently I wanted to write a very messed up and violent story)

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