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Jeongguk's eyes brightened up and he cheered, "YAY! Really? Are you gonna sleep on the floor?"

The older rubbed the back of his neck and gave him a disapproving look, "there's a whole couch, why would I willingly choose to sleep on the floor? Are you sure you graduated?"

Jeongguk chuckled and just went to the fridge while Taehyung walked into the bedroom, "I'm gonna shower."

The younger gave a simple, "Kay," before scouring through the web on his phone and eating.

While Taehyung was in the shower Jeongguk got a call from Lee and answered with a muffled, "Hello what's up?"

Oh the other side of the call, all that was heard was, "ew what's that sound??"

Acknowledging this the boy laughs, "you mean my chewing?" And exaggerated his chewing noises.

The two of them had a conversation on how things are doing and Jeongguk complained about his living situation, of course. While Taehyung was still in the bathroom he told Lee about how much he hated the older.  But the officer on the other side laughs and countered with, "you tell me that everytime even when we don't mention him, are you sure you don't just like him and is salty that he doesn't like you haha."

Jeongguk gasped at the betrayal of his friend and asked, "how could you say that after all those times I bought you lunch!"

Lee on the other hand had different experiences, "what do you mean? You bought me lunch once and it was a fucking boiled egg, cmon guk."

They kept bickering about this and that till Taehyung came out of the bathroom, dress in a large T-shirt and sweats.

" who are you talking to?" The older walked over to the couch and sat down next to the boy who was still on the phone. "Officer Lee," Jeongguk replied quickly and went back to his little chitchatting.

"You're annoying, shut off the phone and shower, we're going get up early tomorrow." The older cleaned up the mess Jeongguk had made when he was eating and Jeongguk not wanting to upset Taehyung nodded.

The boy said his goodbyes to Lee and went into the shower.

"Finally some peace and quiet..." Taehyung whispered to himself and turned off all the lights before getting some shuteye.

The boy who was in the shower was jamming out, singing his favorite songs from his favorite band, STB or something like that?

He wasn't just singing, he was performing in there and even rapping, but when he went to grab his clothes which is second nature to him he noticed that he had forgotten to take them with him into the shower. He wrapped his towel around himself and went out into the bedroom. The younger rummaged through the closets and drawers but didn't find anything so he shouted, "Taehyung!"

With no response he tried again, but like the first time, no response. Jeongguk thought the older was doing this on purpose and stomped out from the room into the living room. Using the light from the bedroom he tried to make his way to Taehyung and managed to kick the side of a tables tumble over with a loud "Thump!"

With this Taehyung stood up and looked around, in the darkness he couldn't make out much besides things that were close to the bedroom that are being illuminated. Knowing that it had to be the younger he just called out to him, "Jeongguk?"

The boy was still on the floor wincing in pain quietly when Taehyung switched on the light.

Jeongguk had nothing but a towel on and was on the floor hugging his shin in pain. Each and every time Taehyung is amazed at how stupid the boy can look. "What the hell are you doing on the ground hugging you leg in the dark? Are you going through a phase?"

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