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"No!" Jeongguk huffed and moved towards the edge of the tub in Taehyung's direction causing the older to peek back into the bathroom, "look Guk, you're naked and I'm just giving you space so why don't you thank me and take your bath?"

The younger pouts and flailed his upper body around causing water to swoosh out the tub. The man sighs and massaged his temple before stepping back in, squatting in front of Jeongguk, "why don't I just leave the door open?" As Taehyung stood up and turned around he felt a strong pull on his arms, yanking him into the not so warm body of water. Unlike in the music videos, the fall was not pretty nor graceful, maybe because of the splashing of water and his head banging onto the wall.

The collision was not serious but Taehyung who was dressed was now completely soaked in a not so big tub with a naked boy. Oh and a bump on the back of his head.

Did I mention he had socks on?

Groaning, he turned towards the younger angrily, "why would you do that??"

Jeongguk being oblivious in his state just smiled cutely and wrapped his arms around the man, "we can bathe together c:." Taehyung cocked his head back, thinking about all the wonderful times when the leech that's literally on him wasn't yet part of his life, "I don't like baths, and the waters cold- what are you doing?"

"Taking your hoodie off, it's hard to wash with cloths on," Jeongguk was trying his best to lift the sweater over the olders head with no avail because Taehyung wasn't cooperating and was not putting his arms up. But seeing the struggling of the boy he soon gave in and pulled the hoodie off himself. "I'm keeping my briefs on, for my own sake."

Now that his pants and WET SOCKS were off, Taehyung awkwardly with his back on the end of the tub stared at Jeongguk before smirking, "so you're gonna wash yourself now?"

Usually when the older made sly remarks towards the younger the boys face tended to glow red but this time that didn't happen. Jeongguk on the other hand got close up on Taehyung's face and mumble, "you can wash me."

The man felt his spine tingle when the warm breath of the younger hit his skin, flustered. Taehyung was flustered. He looked away immediately but again had his cheeks cupped by the youngers hands pulling him into a forceful kiss. As Jeongguk's tongue explored through the olders mouth desperately, Taehyung regained lead and led through each twirl. Unknowingly his hands were now caressing down the youngers neck and back.

When they had finally pulled apart, Taehyung unconsciously started to leave marks around the boys collar bone and neck. While he was doing that, Jeongguk drowsily played with the older hair. The water that once felt cold now felt heated around them and it was even starting to feel hot.

Taehyung's hands slowly moved from the boys back to his chest, touching where ever he could. Not seeing where his hands were moving, it softly rubbed against the youngers sensitive bud. (I'm sorry I just can't write nipple, it sounded so funny to me ;; like, "rubbed the younger sensitive nipple." Yeah I can't, forgive me)

A soft moan was heard which woke Taehyung up from what the fuck he was doing, he quickly pulled Jeongguk off him lightly and saw the prints decorating the boys collar bone to his neck. He knew what he was doing wasn't smart nor right and stepped out the tub, but the younger looked at him sadly and sluggishly sulked, "why did you stop?"

Taehyung looked back and smiled sadly, "I'm pretty sure you're doing this because you're drunk, you won't like me when you wake up tomorrow so I'm not going to take advantage of you when you're like this."

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