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Jeongguk who was still on the floor was sulking and groaning at the same time. The older completely ignore the situation and lend out a hand for the boy to grab. Once up Taehyung again asked if he's going through a phase, "you know it's not healthy to be doing that at your age."

The younger just limped his way over to the couch then massaged his leg before sad and angrily asking, "where did you put my cloths... you suck at organizing."

Taehyung scoffed and pointed at the luggage that was still in the bedroom, "they're in there."

This confused Jeongguk as the older definitely told him that it's his room so he had put his things in there, "but didn't you unpack my things?"

The older laid back down on the couch and pushed Jeongguk to the edge more with his foot for more room and answered sarcastically, "I told you I unpacked your stuff but it doesn't mean all of it."

Jeongguk heaved himself up sulking still and limped towards his room, seeing the youngers movements Taehyung slyly commented, "you bring some pretty useless things, you didn't even have lip bomb or bandaids but had weights."

The older knows that Jeongguk was upset so was understandable with the lack of answer, he stood himself up and opened the drawer where he left his little medical kit. "You done changing?"

Taehyung walked towards the room with the kit in hand before peeking in, the younger was fully changed and just laying on the bed. So he pushed opened the door and sat on the bed next to the boy.

An uncomfortable silence filled the room causing Taehyung to be uncomfortable so he decided to harshly pull Jeongguk's calf to place on his lap.

"What the fuck..." the boy lifted his head curiously at the olders direction to see him pulling out an alcoholic wipe. 'Ah this shit is going to burn.'

When the alcohol rubbed against the small cut that adorned Jeongguk's legs, the boy practically stopped himself from breathing just to reframe from squealing in front of the older. Once done Taehyung took out a decent sized bandaid and gently placed it on top before slapping down on it. This truly caused the boy to scream before launching up in pain, "why would you do that?!"

Taehyung looked him straight in the eye (hahah straight), smiled and commented calmly, "oh I just wanted to, anyways go to sleep."

And like that the older closed the lights in the room and went back out. The apartment now is completely dark and finally they slept.

"BEEP BEEPPPP" (this is quks dusty little alarm clock)

Taehyung woke up abruptly and looked around, the sky is still dark but an alarm was ringing so he followed the sound to find it coming from the ugly little alarm Jeongguk brought with him. 'Why isn't he shutting it off... and why's he still sleep? Does he not hear this?"

The older immediately stopped the ringing and tapped Jeongguk, "yo wake up, your alarms acting up!"

With no respond Taehyung shook him instead, but the boy didn't wake up and just pulled the older into bed while mumbling, "one more bite... just one more..."

Taehyung wanted to laugh but only lets out a chuckle, 'what the hell kind of dream was he having anyways?'

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