Chapter 11 (Edited)

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Thinking thoughts


"Tch, Don't be scared! We are going 3 on 1, he will go down no matter how tough he is, take him first!" The bandit leader encouraged his men despite the fear he was feeling.

"Phantom, Death Scythe mode. Support Naotsugu." Rinne commands her Phantom to transform and holds a Death Scythe that appears out of thin air and glides to help Naotsugu. 

(Phantom secondary form - Just in my fanfic world><)

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(Phantom secondary form - Just in my fanfic world><)

After Apocalypse, Rinne realized that her summoned creatures recognized her party members according to their game names. Hence, if she said Nao-chan, Phantom would recognize it as an invalid party member.

Furthermore, Rinne had commanded her Phantom to activate its Death Scythe mode, which is a technique that deals with physical damage by its Summoner's order. It has greater basic power than a normal phantom and has similar characteristics as our childhood nightmare of the 'Death Reaper'. Hence, its damage could jump greatly when the enemy is not aware or when attacking from behind. 

Besides, with Rinne's Book of All Forbidden Arts to boost Phantom's 15% stats, it can be a perfect partner alongside with Naotsugu, who is very busy holding the defense with the 3 players.

Even though this is the first time he saw this kind of phantom, he knew that he shouldn't underestimate it. Hence, the Swashbuckler PK Leader was forced to switch tactics again, along with the Samurai, locking mainly on Naotsugu and searching for his weak points with his double swords dancing like a snake, while avoiding the Phantom. Although he believes that Phantom's attack power is nothing compared to the Guardian, he didn't want to risk lowering his HP.

While doing that, the long-haired bandit decided to take out Rinne's Phantom as it is troublesome to defeat the Guardian while it is gliding here and here stopping their sneak attacks towards the Guardian.

It was not wrong to do that.

"Damn it! You are just tough like a turtle, nothing impressive!" The enemy screamed hysterically as they attacked in a flurry.

"Even if you may luckily sneak past with hime's Phantom from time to time, your swords won't break through my armor!" Naotsugu's bold and cheery statement made them double up on their attacks.

Shiroe checked Naotsugu's status as he listened to the sharp clash of metals.

This group had the skills to back up their words with good courage and teamwork. Naotsugu's HP dwindled under their relentless attacks.

Even Naotsugu wouldn't last another 30 seconds.

That is... If they can keep up the attack for 30 seconds... Shiroe grinned. He was not going to give them this amount of time.

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