Chapter 34

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Thinking thoughts


"You are threatening us?!"

In another location, in the spacious meeting room on the top floor of the guild building, the meeting was heading towards a flashpoint.

The announcement that Shiroe 'owns this guild building' had the effect equivalent to an explosion.

The only ones who did not feel the blow were Shiroe himself, Rinne and Nyanta behind him, the Crescent Moon Alliance members, and Soujirou of West Wind Brigade, who did not know the actual plan but had somehow sensed the situation.

The guild building was one of the main facilities of Akiba.

The guild hall's main functions included the forming, joining, withdrawing from guilds, as well as dissemination of special events for high-level guilds. It administrated everything in regards to guilds in the system.

But it did more than that.

The guild building lobby in Akiba also housed the bank counters. Banks in Elder Tales were important facilities, where you could deposit your money and rent warehouse space to store your items.

In this alternate world, the only penalty for death was the deduction of some experience points and a drop in the durability of your equipment. But items not equipped would be dropped on the field with a certain probability.

If you were lucky, you might be able to recover them.

But if you were PKed, it would definitely be taken by the enemy.

Even discounting this reason, having a large amount of cash on your person was a reckless act.

Players would normally deposit most of their wealth in the bank. When they needed to spend it on expensive items, they could pay a processing fee to remit the money.

For Elder Tales players, the bank was something you visit and use on a daily basis, an important and convenient facility.

Akiba's only bank counter was in the guild building's lobby.

Shiroe controlled its access.

This had major implications.

There were banks in every city, and the accounts were linked. Be it cash or items, you could process the withdrawal from any bank. For instance, you could deposit cash in Akiba and withdraw it from Hannan.

But with the intercity transport gates down, it was risky to travel to a city so far away.

Shiroe's group travelled to Susukino before, but that was a rare case.

After the Apocalypse, players who travelled to another city from his starting city were probably less than 0.1 percent.

Taking into account the current environment, Shiroe now had the power to freeze the bank accounts of everyone, it was easy to understand why the participants were shocked.

Shiroe announced his plan to the Crescent Moon Alliance after confirming that they would be able to raise the 5 million gold needed. Even Henrietta couldn't calm herself and said, "Compared to Shiroe-sama, the devil is so much more likeable. The devil knows he is a bad guy, but Shiroe-sama doesn't think so. 'Black Heart Glasses' is too cute a nickname for you."

"Freezing bank accounts? What else can you call it but intimidation?" The small guild Grandeur's guild master Woodstock said in a trembling voice.

"I am only responding to Isaac-san's question, which was 'Even if the council is formed, depending on the agenda, the big guilds might object and incite a war'. My answer is there will be no war because the one starting it will lose all access to Akiba's guild building."

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