Chapter 37

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Thinking thoughts


After forming the Round Table Council, it has been a peaceful moment & experience for all Akiba Adventurers and People of Land for weeks. Until a bright sunny day, outside of Akiba, you would see a party of adventurers are travelling by either carriage or horses.

"Crusty-san... Kindly remind me again on why am I travelling with you guys and join in this party..." Rinne asked Crusty with a deadpan tone while riding her horse travelling towards League of Freedon Cities Eastal.

"Well~ Blame your fate of being an understudy student at the university that I had graduated from and still have a connection with to hear your wonderful achievements there." Crusty teasing Rinne with a smirk while Rinne pouts at her senior alumni.


Just one month earlier, in July. Akiba, revitalized with the revolution, had surprises popping up all over like popcorn.

The Round Table Council received a letter from the League of Freedom Cities Eastal, an invitation from the nobles. Their leader Sergead Corwen wrote in the letter apart from inviting the Round Table Council to join the League of Freedom Cities Eastal, they were also invited to the meeting and dance party at the Ancient Palace of Eternal Ice.

League of Freedom Cities Eastal was an alliance formed by the nobles in the area corresponding to Japan's eastern main island. Akiba was one of the cities situated there.

According to logic, since Akiba had a governing body, League of Freedom Cities Eastal would naturally contact them, which was what Shiroe expected.

The Round Table Council members gathered to meet immediately.

Shiroe and the Adventurers were invited by the People of the Land for the very first time. Even if this was within expectation, the meeting still had a tense atmosphere....

One of the governing organizations of this world, League of Freedom Cities Eastal, recognized the Round Table Council as one of them and wanted to establish diplomatic relations.

Round Table Council members discussed and analyzed the situation thoroughly.

There are 3 possible choices once they had received this invitation.

First would be accepting the invitation.

The intention of this invitation should be for the League of Freedom Cities Eastal to recognize the governing body of Akiba, Round Table Council, as a League member. In this situation, Akiba's territory owner (in this case, council leader Crusty ) would be given a title as a noble.

Not only that, but there would also be future invitations to meetings. The good thing was that this was a way to gather lots of intelligence on the People of the Land, and a way to communicate and negotiate with them. The bad thing was that we would be involved in the politics and noble dramas of the People of the Land.

Second would be rejecting the invitation.

However, they would most probably lose the benefits that came with accepting the invitation, which including losing the best communication channel to negotiate with the People of the Land.

Last would be accepting the invitation but with certain conditions. It means they would take part in the League, but would not be involved in the turbulence of their politics. 

However, would this anger the nobles and push them to war? 

The council also debated this possibility.

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