ii. maeve vs molly

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since the order's meeting had finished right before dinner, most members had stayed for food. luckily, mrs weasley had prepared enough pizza for everyone, especially ron who had eaten many slices. maeve wasn't much better but at least she ate with her mouth closed.

she sat in between sirius and remus, who were quietly trying to update her on the meeting whilst also catching up with harry. opposite her was nymphadora tonks. even though she hadn't managed to talk to her much, maeve knew that she was very nice and found her funny. tonks was a metamorphmagus, meaning she could change her appearance and she would only let people refer to her as tonks. in fact, in that moment, tonks was giving herself beaks and snouts to entertain hermione and ginny.

remus and sirius had told her that they were trying to get harry to sit in the order meetings. though maeve wanted to protect him as much as she could, she knew that harry deserved to understand what was happening. unfortunately, not everyone agreed with her about that.

'not everyone' was a synonym for mrs weasley. she was trying to shield harry from the dark in the world, alongside her own children. as much as she respected the woman, maeve had to disagree. harry had already seen the dark in the world. each year since he had joined hogwarts something had happened. whether it had been crazy defence teachers trying to revive voldemort or snakes in the walls petrifying student (maeve included), harry had seen it all. last year he had even seen his friend die. if anyone deserved to know what was going on, it was harry.

as for mrs weasley's children, they were growing up in the world and eventually they would have to fight. fred and george were already adults, they were slightly older than maeve herself and even though she absolutely hated the former, she couldn't deny that they were smart and would bring a lot to the order.

so, when the discussion of harry watching the order meetings came around, maeve needed to make her voice heard.

"he's not a member of the order, sirius!" mrs weasley screeched, "he's only fifteen!"

"he has face just as much as those in the order, molly. more than some!" sirius countered.

mrs weasley's face contorted with anger, " no one is denying what harry has done! but he's still-"

"he's not a child!" said sirius impatiently.

"he's not james, sirius!" mrs weasley told him sternly.

"i'm perfectly aware on who he is thanks." sirius said coldly. " i'm his godfather. i can tell you what he is allowed to do. he isn't your son."

"he's as good as!"

this was where maeve would enter the argument. "he's my brother, mrs weasley. i've been allowed into these meetings and harry should be too."

this statement turned all heads to maeve and a smile of respect from fred.

"maeve, darling, this isn't a conversation for you. everyone is completely aware that i didn't want you in the order. you're too young as well. you aren't an adult and you can't be in charge of harry." mrs weasley told her, a no-nonsense look on her face.

"give me two weeks, mrs weasley. that's when i'll be an adult and that's when harry is my responsibility. out of everyone here, sirius and i have the most say over what harry does. i want him to know what's going on. he needs to especially if-" maeve was cut off, almost giving too much information to harry.

"if i may," remus started, "i also think harry should be given information. maybe not all of it, but enough. he should be aware of what is going on."

mrs weasley turned to her husband, who shrugged, his facial expression saying that he agreed with everyone else.

"well, i can see that i'm overruled. everyone else, off to your rooms." mrs weasley said.

instantly, shouts were heard from fred, george, ron, hermione and ginny.

"mum! we're adults! we should get to come the meetings and know what's going on!" fred told her, george nodding along.

"now, boys i'm your mother i don't want you in here-" mrs weasley began.

"even if they aren't allowed in the meetings, harry and i will tell them what's going on. they're older than me and have more of a right to be in the order." maeve said, still avoiding looking at fred.

he was surprised, just like every other person in the room that knew about their situation and sent a maeve an appreciative look, even if she didn't see it.

"she's right, molly. fred and george are adults and they can't be stopped from knowing these things." mr weasley told his wife.

"ok, fred and george can stay, now everyone else- to bed!" mrs weasley shouted.

"but mum! harry would tell me and hermione everything as well!" ron said passionately, "wouldn't you, mate?"

"yeah, 'course i would," harry said, nodding.

"oh alright!" mrs weasley looked defeated, "ginny you are mostly definitely not staying. off to bed immediately!"

ginny looked helplessly to maeve, who nodded and mouthed 'later'. she then ran to bed, grumbling about unfairness.

the members of the order turned their attention to sirius, who began to explain the situation.


as the order members started to return home and the new members of the household made their way upstairs, sirius and maeve found themselves chatting in the corner.

"you know, maeve, i'm proud of you for standing up for what you believe in. i reckon you were a key point in persuading molly." sirius told her, with a grin on his face.

maeve rolled her eyes at him. "don't be such a proud uncle. it's not a good look on you."

"everything's a good look on me, maevie!" he replied cockily.

she rolled her eyes again, "i only told the truth."

"you may look more like lily, prongslet 1, but you are just like your dad. you and harry switched it all around, huh." he said, smiling wistfully.

"everyone tells me i got my brain from mum, actually." maeve told him.

"sure, your mum was smart but so was your dad! and as much as i love lily, your courage and need for justice are very 'james' traits. they'd be proud of you, you know," he told her, becoming more serious.

"thank you, padfoot." the nickname bought a smile to his face once again as he reminisced of the good days when his best friend was still alive.

the two of them stayed like that for another hour, exchanging funny stories from their time at hogwarts. they had to make up for the years of her life he had missed while locked away in azkaban. eventually, maeve made her way upstairs and got changed into her pyjamas.

the world was perfect and would always be far from it, but maeve couldn't hate the way her world was right now.

keira's note!
hi ladz! shorter chapter today, i'm sorry
if it's incoherent at any point let me know
i wrote this while watching high school musical and talking to my friend about jonathan groff so i'm not sure it all makes sense.
thanks for reading!

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