xiii. the da

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after the meeting that arranged the new defence against the dark arts group, hermione and harry had told maeve to meet them in a corridor after dinner. she assumed that the other members of the group would also be meeting their, these assumptions being confirmed when eddie told her that ron had mentioned the same thing to him. they walked there together as soon as they had finished their roast dinners.

they took a breezy stroll to the corridor they had been told to meet in, getting their just after harry, hermione and ron themselves. they spent a few minutes waiting for all twenty nine members to show up.

harry quickly greeted everyone with a short 'hello' and strolled in front of the wall three times. eddie and maeve shared confused looks, but they quickly morphed into ones of awe when the wall turned into a door. when they looked at each other again, maeve could tell that they were both thinking the same thing: their sleepovers had been massively upgraded. harry opened this door and everyone trailed inside.

"alright, everyone?" harry said, "this room is called the room of requirement, it changes into whatever you need."

"uh, there's two things that we need to clear up first," hermione interrupted, "one, what are we called and two, who is our leader."

"harrys our leader!" cho exclaimed.

everyone around the room looked at hermione in confusion, having thought that harry's position of leader was obvious.

"okay, i just want to make sure the majority agree!" hermione cleared up, "everyone that thinks harry should be our leader, raise you hand."

everyone in the room raised their hands. it was a unanimous decision, not that anyone was surprised at this. harry would be teaching them so it only made sense.

"right, harrys our leader. now then, what should we call ourselves? i feel that a group name would really show our unity," hermione questioned.

many people shouted out suggestions. angelina johnson, the gryffindor quidditch captain, suggested that they be called "the anti umbridge league' while fred wanted to be called "the ministry of magic are morons group', earning a snort from maeve. maeve personally wanted to be called 'the backstreet boys' but hermione was not amused at her suggestion so she shut up immediately.

eventually, cho chang said, "what about the defence association? the da for short?"

ginny nodded, "the da is good, only let's make it stand for dumbledore's army, because that's what the ministry is most afraid of, right?"

this caused the group to break out in giggle and mutters.

"all in favour of dumbledore's army?" hermione said bossily, "right, that's a majority."

"ok then," harry said when hermione sat down, "i was thinking that we could start off with expelliarmus, the disarming charm. i know it's kinda basic but it's pretty useful-"

"oh, please!" zacharias smith said pompously, "i don't think the disarming charm will be very useful against you-know-who will it?"

"i've used it against him," harry said quietly, "in june it saved my life."

the room was silent at the revelation.

"if you think it's beneath you, then leave," harry said, more confidently now.

no one moved.

"right, now that that's sorted," harry said, "i reckon we should spilt up into pairs to practice."

maeve turned to eddie, who gestured to harvey and smiled apologetically. she scoffed slightly, mostly in fake annoyance. luckily for her, fred was standing opposite her.

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