iv. makeovers and muffins

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as much as she hated the stereotypes of teenage girls, maeve could not deny that one of her favourite pastimes were sleepovers. the ideas of makeovers and gossiping thrilled maeve. and, while it couldn't technically be counted as a sleepover because they were living together, maeve was very excited for her sleepover with hermione and ginny.

the first thing they were going to do was give each other they makeovers that they wanted but didn't need. maeve was in charge of ginny's hair and makeup, since she had done hermiones for the yule ball. ginny would then be in charge of hermiones makeover and hermione in charge of maeves.

whilst maeve had her hair curled by hermione, she signalled for ginny try bring up a topic they had tried to talk about many times.

"so..." ginny started, "any boys in your life hermione?"

"specifically a ginger one by the name of ron?" maeve added slyly.

hermiones cheeks went a light pink, "i think you already know the answer to that. we've talked about it before."

"we just want more gossip! maeve's love life has disappeared recently and we all know that i've been hung up on the same guy for forever," ginny complained, bellyflopping onto maeves double bed.

"hey! my love life isn't completely dry! eddie said that noel miller has a crush on me." maeve couldn't help but being offended at the accusation that she had no love life, despite the fact that it was completely true.

"everyone has crushes on you! anyway, gin, maybe you should move on from harry," hermione added to the conversation as she finished curling maeve's hair.

"i mean, that's easier said than done, don't you think?" ginny told her friends, "i've obviously tried. i know that harrys never going to like me back and that i can get other guys, i just have no guys to get."

"i'm sure you do, gin. michael corner is friends with noel miller's younger brother and i'm pretty sure he's taken a fancy to you." the eldest girl said, as she closed her eyes to have eyeshadow applied.

"michael corner? is that the cute blonde one?" hermione asked.

'yeah, it is. he tried to ask me to the ball last year before he realised we weren't allowed to go without an older student." ginny told hermione.

"enough talk about boys, ladies. who needs them really?" maeve said, gesturing for ginny to sit in front of her so that she could braid her hair.

"i mean technically society needs them. can't have kids without boys." hermione stated, shrugging.

"ugh, i'm sure we could find a way to function without kids. if all the women in the world got some kind of immortality potion we'd be fine!" ginny ranted.

"exactly gin, those are the solutions we want!" maeve encouraged, "and that way, voldemort wouldn't be an issue anymore!"

the girls laughed.

their gossiping lasted for hours longer until all of their makeovers had been completed.

ginny's hair had been split into two and each section had been french-braided. ginny had no foundation on as they didn't have her shade but eyeshadow had been carefully applied to her eyelids and lipgloss coated her lips. pink and green butterfly clips were scattered around her hair as well.

hermione's hair was now sleek and straight. her eyes had no eyeshadow on but mascara had been layered onto her eyelashes, elongating them. she had a dark lipstick on that was from maeve's collection as ginny was trying to give her an 'egdy' look.

maeves hair was curled and then pulled into a ponytail. she had a strawberry lipgloss on that tinted her lips more pink and some bronze eyeshadow was on her eyelids.

the next order of business for them was sharing funny stories and choosing new outfits for them.

as maeve told stories of her and her best friend eddie sneaking around the castle, she chose one of her leather jackets for hermione to wear. she then gave her some acid washed jeans and a nirvana top.

ginny told them all about her best friends luna and neville whilst choosing a floral summer dress for maeve to wear. it was very different to her usual style but it did suit her, especially when it was paired with her favourite denim jacket (one that had been stolen from fred when they were only thirteen).

hermione had the most stories to tell, considering how many times her, ron and harry had gotten into trouble before. she told them about when they found out sirius was innocent and when they had brewed a polyjuice potion to sneak into the slytherin common room. whilst telling them these stories, ginny had been selected a pair of short denim shorts and a large weasley jumper to wear.

whilst the three girls laughed about what they now looked like (especially at hermione, who looked like a different person entirely), they grew hungry.

"do you want me to sneak down and find some muffins? remus stress baked some the other day and i know they haven't been finished." maeve offered to the girls, standing up.

the gryffindors agreed, asking what flavours they had on offer.

"uh- remus' favourite is chocolate so he made some of them and i think he made some blueberry for me. which would you prefer?" maeve asked, stretching her arms slightly.

both girls replied chocolate, so at one minute past two in the morning, maeve tried to sneak down to the kitchen.

it had gone rather successfully, she thought, as she hadn't trodden on the squeaky floorboard in the landing and hadn't woken up the portrait of walburga black, a women who hated having 'mudbloods' and 'blood traitors' living in her house, even though she had been dead for over a decade.

she got right down to the kitchen, found the muffins (two chocolate and a blueberry, she was trying to be healthy now that she had given up quidditch, thank you very much) and had left the kitchen.

all of a sudden, she walked into something. she squealed and clutched the muffins closer to her chest.

"i'm so sorry!" a voice told her.

"that's fine," maeve chuckled.

as she looked up to see who she had bumped into, she made eye contact with fred weasley.

both of them froze slightly, not knowing what they could possibly say.

"i- uh- i'm sorry for earlier, fred. that argument thing we had was stupid and i shouldn't have let it happen." maeve apologised, still making eye contact.

"no, i'm sorry. it was- you're right, it was stupid." fred told her, finally breaking the eye contact.

"i should probably get back up to ginny and hermione now. we're having a sleepover of sorts." maeve said, smiling slightly.

"yeah, i thought there was probably a reason for the you being dressed up. that's my old denim jacket, right?" he asked with a small awkward laugh.

"yeah it is, not really your when i've had it for almost four years though." maeve replied.

they exchanged 'goodnights' and maeve ran upstairs.

"thank you," ginny said to her as she handed her the muffin, "whys your face so red?"

"no reason!" maeve said quickly as she stuffed the muffin in her mouth.

keira's note!
me being unable to write a decent chapter 🤡
it's fineee lmao.
this was meant to be merged with the next chapter but i'm trying to keep a regular word count.

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