xxii. the siblings who lived catchup

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whilst maeve knew that her happiness did not depend on fred gideon weasley, she did know that she had been feeling even happier since they had gotten back together. they spent hours together each day and partnered up with each other whenever it was possible for them to. the took daily trips to the kitchens and to the library when maeve needed to revise for their next exams and most importantly, their newts.

however, this meant that maeve had been neglecting her relationship with harry. despite how much she really loved fred, harry would probably always be her favourite person in the world. they understood each other in a way that no one else could due to them being siblings and going through the traumatic event of loosing both of their parents.

when she realised that she hadn't properly talked to harry in almost a month, maeve felt the guiltiest that's she had ever felt. even guiltier than when she ate all of her uncle moony's chocolate after a full moon. maeve immediately ran over to the gryffindor table during their lunch period with her fork in her hand that had some cucumber hanging off of it to arrange a time that they could meet up.

harrys eyes had lit up when she asked for them to spend time together making her feel even guiltier, but they eventually decided on meeting at 8 o'clock in the room of requirement.

as soon as the clock struck quarter to eight, maeve had ran to the room of requirement, getting there five minutes before harry did.

"you're late!" she said, giving him a hug, "how are you, haz?"

"i'm ok, mae. just a bit confused with all of life," he told her.

the two of them walked over to the sofa that had appeared when maeve had thought 'i really want to sit down'.

"talk to me about it," she told him, "it's about time that we caught up."

for ages harry ranted about how he had some kind of attachment to voldemort in his mind and how he had to learn occulmency from snape, who had thrown him across the room after harry had seen one of his memories.

"ok, firstly snape is a dickhead. you should told dumbledore about it! i mean snape literally hurt you, he isn't allowed to do that!" maeve told him angrily. if she didn't hate snape before... "secondly, what was in the memory that was so bad?"

harry told maeve about the memory. "our dad and sirius walked up to snape and like hexed him or something and then our mum shouted at him and snape called her a mudblood. but mum seemed like she hated him so much!"

maeve winced. remus had told her this story before- he had told her most stories about her parents. "harry, trust me mum didn't hate dad. if she did, the two of us wouldn't exist and we wouldn't be talking right now. relationships change so i'm sure she liked him later on in their life. i'm pretty sure they started dating in their last year so, yknow."

harry nodded and maeve carried on "i mean, me and fred hated each other earlier this year and now look at us!"

"now look at you? what that you're friends again?" harry questioned.

maeve's jaw dropped open slightly before she remembered that they hadn't spoken properly since before valentine's day, "right, you don't know. fred and i got back together!"

harrys eyebrows raised up into his hairline.

"are you gonna say anything?" maeve chuckled nervously.

"uh- as long as you are happy, i am happy. though i cant lie, i'm not that happy. you're great together but i don't want him to hurt you again, mae." he told her.

"harry, fred and i are much more grown up now- whether you believe it or not. we- we understand why we broke up and we're past it. i promise," she said sincerely.

"ok," harry said, "if he hurts you, i swear i'll hurt him very very badly!"

maeve chuckled, the image of harry bearing up fred in her mind. for some reason, she didn't think he'd get very far but he probably would since he had fought bad guys every other day for the last five years of his life and killed a mass murderer when he was one year old.

she smiled at him "i'm sure you will. speaking of our love life's, though, what happened on your date with cho?"

all of the colour left harrys face.

"that bad?" she asked him.

"you've no idea, mae." he told her seriously, "we went to madam puddifoot's!"

maeve cringed.

"we were in there and she was wanting me to, i don't know, snog her or something. i think she was looking over at some other bloke the whole time though. i told her that i needed to meet hermione, you know, my best friend, and she threw a fit!" he ranted.

maeve smiled slightly, "well, relationships are confusing, haz. are you sad about it?"

"not really. i thought i'd be more upset but maybe it was for the best." he said.

"yeah, jealous people are no fun. i could never really see you together anyway, honestly." she told him.

harry laid down and plopped his head onto maeve's lap. "who do you see me with then?"

maeve hesitated, "well, i did always used to hope that you'd end up with ginny but i don't know if that's actually going to happen."

harry scrunched his face up. he couldn't see himself ending up with ginny.

"you don't have to think about that now anyway, harry. you're fifteen! forget about girls," maeve told him, "i'd be well jealous if you got a girlfriend and suddenly forgot about your big sister!"

he laughed at her, "it's gonna be so weird when you aren't here anymore,"

"wow, planning to kill me, are you?" she scoffed.

"no! when you aren't at school. or when you and fred move in together or something. i'm gonna miss you," he told her honestly.

she smiled at him, "i'll miss you too, haz. you're gonna be stuck with me for another few months though, so..."

"i love you mae!" he told her, angling his body awkwardly to hug her.

"i love you too, harry," she said.

after their hug, the two of them both made their ways back to their common rooms, careful to not be caught by their headmistress.

keira's note!
these do b rlly short tho 😳
so sorry for the late update school has been a bit hectic lately and i'm ill ://
next should be in monday like normal
stay safe!!!

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