xviii. realisation

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after a week more of school holidays, the weasleys and the siblings who lived were on their way back to hogwarts. after a quick goodbye to tonks and mrs weasley, maeve ran onto the train and into the compartment that her and eddie always shared.

after exchanging many letters throughout the past week, maeve had managed to get eddie to promise that he would spend time with her on the ride to hogwarts. luckily, it had been easy to convince him, though that was probably because harvey had stayed at hogwarts so he had no one else to talk to anyway.

eddie was already in the compartment when she got there.

"hey, mae!" he smiled, "how are you?"

"hey eds! i'm fine, you?" she replied.

"i'm great! guess what?" he said excitedly.

"uh- you got that book for christmas?" she guessed.

"well, yeah you bought me it. not that though," he replied.

"oh, yeah i did," she remembered, "uh, i don't know ed, i'm crap at guessing!"

"clearly!" he said, "i came out to my parents!"

maeves face morphed into an expression of shock. "no way! what did they say?"

while eddies family were very nice to maeve, they were had quite traditional and stereotypical christian views and maeve didn't know how accepting they were. to be honest, christian wizards didn't make much sense to her since they had been responsible for many wizarding deaths in the past, but she supposed that the times had just changed.

"they were fine with it!" he exclaimed.

"mum was disappointed that i wouldn't be having babies and dad took a while to come around but they're all good with it now!" he smiled. "it's just so great for the pressure of me telling them to go away- a weights been lifted off of my shoulders!"

"oh, ed, that's great!" maeve enthused.

"what happened with you? mcgonagall said that the weasleys dad got hurt or something and that's why you had left," eddie asked her.

"i mean yeah, that's the whole story. though some other... interesting things happened!" she said.

he urged her to carry on with her gossip.

"ok, so basically fred was crying and all that and i comforted him and now we've made up!" she told him.

"that's good, mae." he smiled, "to be honest, i was expecting a juicy reunion on story or something."

eddie cackled as if the idea was ridiculous but his laughter was quickly stopped when he realised how red and silent his best friend was.

he gasped in shock, "what happened?"

"well, we kissed," she said quietly.

"you what!" edward exclaimed.

"we kissed!" she said loudly.

"maeve euphemia potter! you kissed fred?" he questioned.

"well, no. he kissed me, but i didn't stop it or anything." at this statement, eddie looked like a child who had been told they could get whatever sweets they wanted.

"oh my god! how was it?" he asked her.

"it was nice, i guess. it was like all of our old kisses." she told him, rolling her eyes at his enthusiasm but laughing at it as well.

"what does this mean for you both?" eddie seemed more involved than maeve was.

"literally nothing!" she told him, "fred and i aren't going to get back together or anything- he only kissed me because he was upset. everything was changing  and he wanted some kind of normalcy which just so happened to be my crusty lips."

"oh no, your lips were crusty?" eddie asked frantically.

"oh my god, ed!" she yelled playfully.

"i'm joking! do you like fred again?" he asked.

did i ever stop? maeve asked herself.

"no, i don't think so. i just-" she sighed in frustration, "i think i'll always love him because he was my first everything!"

eddies eyes snapped to hers, "did you just say love?"

"oh shit," said maeve, "i did, didnt i?"

memories of the breakup flashed through maeve mind. why could she say she loved him now but not when they were together? maybe-

"i always loved him, didnt i? i just didn't know, or i didn't realise?" she asked eddie.

"i don't know, mae. i cant tell you what your feeling, but it honestly feels like you like him to me," eddie told her, all joking gone.

"maybe, i was just thinking that i liked noel, though-"maeve was interrupted.

"noel miller?" eddie was shocked, "oh my god, ive missed so much of your love life!"

"i mean i don't know if i do like him, it might just be me thinking that he's cute and finally talking to him this year." maeve explained.

"but-" eddie started.

"can we drop it please, ed?" maeve asked, pleading with her best puppy dog eyes.

the rest of the ride to hogwarts was spent with both of them trying to avoid the topic they had previously been talking about, even though they both wanted to talk about it a bit more.

maeve was torn- she did like noel, not that she knew whether it was friendship or romantic, but she apparently loved fred now.

her inner torment carried on through the whole train ride. it carried on throughout the carriage ride to the castle. it carried on right until she turned around at the feast and was faced with noel miller.

"hey, maeve," one of the subjects of her torment said.

"hi!" she replied, her fists clenched and her face going redder and redder.

"i was just wondering if you liked the earrings?" he said, a charming smile plastered on his face.

"oh- yeah, they're incredible! thank you so much!" she enthused.

"that's good!" he replied, just as awkward as her, "well- i should probably get back to the feast!"

"yeah, i'll talk to you later!" she smiled, turning bad to eddie and throwing an apple at him when she saw him laughing at her pain.

"don't laugh!" she whispered violently.

"sorry! what earrings was her taking about?" he asked her.

maeve gestured to her ears, "he got me them for christmas!"

"very nice!" eddie said, "by the way, don't look but fred is totally glaring at you, probably because of noel."

"what?" maeve went to turn around but was stopped by eddie.

"i said don't turn around!" he shouted, "by the way, fred totally likes you again."

"yeah," maeve whispered, "i think i like him again too,"

keira's note!
why are these getting worse and worse?
anyway this was trash and most of it was spent by me trying to get myself to at least 1000 words lmao (which i did btw but like barely)
if you somehow are reading this, who's your favourite character?
hope you're well!

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